Over the last few months, I have had the privilege of volunteering at a local Pregnancy Resource Center. It is so neat to see the Lord at work in this ministry to women who are pregnant and may be going through difficult situations. The Lord has constantly been teaching me so much every time I go in to help out at the center.
I read this story during my last volunteer shift and it was so touching to see the Lord at work in a very difficult situation. I want to share with you the remarkable story of Joannah Tess Fuller.
The following is taken from an article submitted to Focus on the Family's Pregnancy Resource Ministry:
"The doctor had just called and said, 'Nina, I want you to come back in for another test. There is something suspicious on the ultrasound, and I want to re-examine the baby.' In that moment, my life began to change forever. I never imagined that I would have a complicated pregnancy. After all, my three sons were each delightful pregnancies and easy deliveries. I loved being pregnant; and at 37 I looked forward to having one more child, one more dream to fulfill. I always wanted a little girl to dress in pin and ruffles and ribbons. It seemed my dream was about to be shattered, and a nightmare was lurking around the corner.
Ever since I can remember, I have been a passionate believer in the value of every human life. I have based this belief on the knowledge that God is the Master Creator, carefully knitting every human life inside every mother's womb. My convictions on the sanctity of human life run hard and deep, and in the back of my mind I used to wonder if my beliefs would ever be tested.
After we went back to the doctor's office for the second ultrasound and an amniocentesis, my husband and I got on our knees and begged God to give us a healthy child. Yet, we would trust Him, no matter what His will was. We seemed to vacillate between home and calamity. We were both fearful, yet full of faith.
Two weeks later, we sat in the doctor's office and received the news that our fourth child was indeed a girl, and this much longed-for baby had Trisomy 21, commonly known as Down Syndrome. Instead of having 46 chromosomes in each of her cells, she had 47. During cell division, the two #21 chromosomes did not separate properly. We also learned that our fragile daughter had two congenital heart defects.
There was no doubt in our minds or our hearts that we would carry this baby and do all the we could for her. Our young, but very mature, sons all agreed that God was giving this baby to our family so she would be loved and not aborted.
Shortly after we received our news, I began experiencing physical complications. Severe panic attacks began to interfere with my sleep at night. Soon, they would hit hard and strong during the daytime as well. I learned that they were not simply a psychological manifestation of an unresolved issue. They were real, physical anomalies that could not be mastered by sheer mental abilities. My heart would race out of control, my skin would crawl, my muscles would tense. My body retained fluid that was evident in every joint and feature. I could not breathe or swallow without great effort.
Day by day I resolved to recite Scripture, claiming God's healing on my body. I took charge of my raging thoughts, standing firm on the truths of God's Word. The most significant Scriptures that become my anchor were Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11, and Psalm 139. I knew I must trust the Lord with all my heart, lean not on my own understanding of the situation, acknowledge Him throughout this difficult time and have confidence that He would surely direct our path. I looked forward to the fulfillment of the promise of a future that held hope and not despair, blessings and not calamity. I had every confidence that God the Creator was carefully, not carelessly, knitting my unborn baby in my womb. There was a purpose for her body being formed differently from what I had dreamed. God had a great plan for each of our lives before one day was even lived.
The physical toll on my body was exhausting. During my seventh month of pregnancy, I was admitted to the hospital. My life was in danger. My doctor came into the room, cleared his throat and announced, 'This pregnancy MUST be terminated immediately.' I had developed congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema and kidney failure. I was hours from facing eternity.
As my husband and I heard those words, I looked over at my youngest son, Joey, and wondered if I would live to ever hold him again, to hug him, to kiss him, to watch him grow up. Would I give up my life and the children I already had in order to let this unborn baby live? Would she have to give up her life before she breathed one breath? Would she even survive this premature intrusion of the quiet, silent world of my womb in which she lived?
At 9:53 p.m., Feb 10, 1995, two-and-a-half months before she was due to be born Joannah Tess Fuller arrived by Cesarean section. She weighed 2 pounds, 11 ounces, and was only 15 inches long. After the doctors worked on my heart, I was taken to the Intensive Care unit. I would not be conscious for almost three days. But my baby was a fighter and doing amazingly well. God saw fit to spare each of our lives, and we would live to love again.
Tess continues to amaze us with her abilities, her incredible charm and her power to bring people of all ages closer tot he Lord. We also have the privilege of sharing our story with people all around the country, bringing home for the future to other families. Tess' first name is Joannah, which means "God's gracious gift". What a prophetic name! We have received an incredible gift all wrapped up in a beautiful Down Syndrome package, and we cherish every day with our precious little girl!"
Every life is precious and a gift from God!