Wednesday, June 29, 2011

He Strengthens Me

This morning, I had an important interview, and I was nervous, anticipating how it would go.  Doubts started to creep into my head making wonder if I was really "cut out" for this position I have been praying about and hoping for, and as I was waiting to go into the interview, my mom, who is the most amazing woman on the face of the earth, texted me this verse:

"The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace."

~Psalm 29:11~ 

It was such a great reminder!  The Lord has lead me to this point.  The Lord has allowed for this opportunity to open up.  It is the Lord who is in control.  It is the Lord who is greater than my weaknesses.  It is the Lord who gives me the strength!   May I never lose sight of this truth! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Unfulfilled. Unfulfillable. Unfulfilling.

"Not carried out or brought to completion" - [Definition of unfulfilled]   This word may leave us with a feeling of great emptiness or even sadness.  No one enjoys the sense of being unfulfilled. 

At a loss.  No meaning.  No value.  No purpose.  Void.  Vacant.  Gap.  Empty Space. 

To be at a loss in life, to have no meaning in life, to have no value in life, to have no purpose in life, to have a vacant, empty space in one's heart, is a recipe for a life of complete misery, depression, and even downright insanity. 

I recently watched a movie in which a strong, successful sergeant in the military, was critically injured in the Vietnam War.  The effects of his injury left him unable to walk.  This powerful man, who lived life as if he could accomplish anything and nothing could withhold him, was now humbled to the point where he would have to be confined to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life.  After this tragic turn of events, this man's life spiraled downward.  Trying to cope with the loss of his rank, his dignity, and his prestige, he became an alcoholic and spent his days squandering his money, living his life as if he had no value, no purpose, no meaning, and no hope.   It was truly sad to see how this man went from such an honorable person in the worlds eyes to one who had no "life" left in him.

Yes, this may have been just a movie, and even about a fictional character, but sadly, it is a replica of so many people today who may live life completely out on top, living for the moment, acting as if they "have it all", and then suddenly their world comes crashing down and now what do they have to live for?!  Or, it could be someone living their days striving to achieve success, popularity, meaning, and they constantly look to "the next thing" to fulfill them, but instead of that awareness of value, purpose, and meaning, they are left with the dreaded sense of being unfulfilled, no matter what they may do to fill that void and space in their NEVER reaches the brim.

This morning, I read in the Psalms a very powerful and direct verse: 

"Hell and Destruction are never full; So the eyes of man
are never satisfied."  
~Psalm 27:20~ 

Meaning that, "man's desires are never filled up.  They are as insatiable (impossible to satisfy) as the place of eternal punishment which never overfills." (commentary by J. MacArthur) 

Those are truly strong words.  Yet, they are very true. 

All we have to do is look at examples in today's world.  Why is it that we see celebrities, who appear as if they have it all and who seem like they should be the happiest people on the face of the earth; yet, they are the ones who often have the most difficulties.  They are unfulfilled, unhappy, so they seek and seek to fill that void that is nagging inside of them.  

I am not wanting this post to leave you all with a sense of sadness and depression, but I wanted to expose to you the emptiness of this life....WITHOUT Christ.  

There is hope.  We are not destined to keep "grasping at the wind" nor wander around in this life as one who has no hope of ever being fulfilled or satisfied.

What is this hope?  It is only found through Jesus Christ, Lord of all!

The Lord has graciously opened my eyes to the truths contained in His will (the very Word of God), of which I am so thankful for.  He is continuing to show me the frailty of life, how it cannot fulfill man's deepest longings and needs no matter what the promises are of fulfillment.  I have seen so many people struggle and sink down into deep depression because of this very issue of being unfulfilled.  

There is no way out through the worlds way.  There is no therapy session that can cure the most troubled souls.  There is no "step by step" plan that can get one on the road back to "health, wealth, and success".   Even if some of the worlds ways of solving the problem may work for a time, it still leaves one grasping at one thing after the other still trying to fill that emptiness inside. 

There is only one way we can find true fulfillment in this world, and that is only through the narrow gate that leads to everlasting life.  It may not be a gate through which many go through for it may not seem appealing to most, but it is only by going through this door in which one will find what they have been seeking.

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."  
~Matthew 7:13-14~ 

Until you pass through this narrow gate, you will not be able to find the peace, joy, and fulfillment you seek.  Come to Christ and He will "fill you up".  He is the only Way, the Truth, and the Life! 

Really think on these truths, friends.  Are you finding your fulfillment in the world or in Christ?  

It is good to examine our hearts now.  Do not waste another moment of your life with that which cannot satisfy.  The time is now.  Take it.

God bless!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Underneath the Everlasting Arms

"It is a long way from the recognition of a Logos, an Eternal Word who speaks and under whom we live, to the specific destiny to which you yourself as an individual woman (or man) are called.  Yet the God who controls the wheeling galaxies and who spoke before the foundation of the world must be the God who holds the smallest circumstances of your life in His hands.  We are encompassed on all sides by the Almighty.  'His tender mercies are over all His works', 'steadfast love surrounds him who trusts in the Lord', and 'underneath are the Everlasting Arms.'  Over, around, underneath.  
We are enfolded.  Can you think of a safer place to be?" 

~Elizabeth Elliot~ 
(Excerpt from Book Let me be a Woman)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

His Handiwork

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. 
Day unto day utters speech, and night 
unto night reveals knowledge."
~( Psalm 19:1-2)~ 

As we look at the world around us, we see the mighty handiwork of our Creator God.  His glorious Creation is a testimony of Himself!  We should look at what He has made and give Him praise, honor, and glory!!!  

The beach is one of my favorite places in the world!  Not just because of its warm, sunny weather,  its openness, and its very beauty, but because it reminds me of God's vastness and greatness!  


Next time you see something so breathtakingly beautiful, instead of simply focusing on the beauty of it, take time to praise the One who brought it into existence!  


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What if I Don't Feel Like it?

I woke up to a beautiful morning, with sunlight beaming through the cracks of my window shades.  It was quite easy for me to roll out of bed before 7 a.m., go outside in the backyard, and just sit in the hammock and pray, with of course a cup of hot coffee in hand.  It was a wonderful morning, and I was feeling quite nourished and happy.  Yet, what if I woke up to a morning of rain, wind, and just cloudy weather?  Would I be so happy and eager to start my day rising early and with a time of prayer?  I would probably have to say no.  Hmmm.  I know that circumstances can alter how we feel and react to certain situations, but should that really be the case for a Christian?  Aren't we commanded to rejoice always?  There are so many verses in Scripture that command this very thing.  Let me list just a few:  Philippians 4:4, Psalm 13:5, 1 Thess. 5:16-18, Psalm 40:16, James 1:2-4, Psalm 30:5, Romans 5:1-4, Psalm 28:7, Romans 15:13, & Psalm 64:9-10.  

Now, is there anywhere in these verses that link our joy and happiness to our circumstances?  Nope! The only cause of our joy and contentment is found in the Lord and resting in His promises.  Yep, that is the answer. 

It is SO extremely easy and common for us to tie our feelings to how we react.  Most of the time we do respond based on how we feel, but as these verses indicate, our feelings have no leadership whatsoever to how we should react, which is with rejoicing and praise to our Lord. 

My pastor once spoke on this and stated very simply that "our feelings should follow NOT lead".  It is very easy to allow just the opposite especially when we live in a world where that is encouraged, but as seen through God's Word, we are to be led by the truth not on how we might feel.   My prayer for myself is that this would become more of a pattern in my life.  Allowing feelings to take the lead comes very naturally and easily, but that is why I must constantly be reminded of the Truth because more often then not, our feelings are not a good indicator of what is true.

So, if I woke up to terrible weather this morning instead of gorgeous sunshine, I am still to respond with rejoicing and praise even if my circumstances make it harder for me to do so!

Have a good day friends!  Keep your mind on the truth allowing that to be your base and then let your feelings and emotions follow.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Can Our Longings Get in the Way?

I love this quote by Jim Elliot: 

"Let not our longings slay the appetite of our living."  

We should accept and thank God for all that He has given to us (Psalm 107:1) and make no provision for the "not-given" to spoil our rejoicing and cause us to be discontent! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

There is no Independent Christian

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, 
and He shall bring it to pass."  
(Psalm 37:4-5)

This passage of scripture is underlined in my Bible (in a very bright pink pen I used to have when I was like 13), so I know that I have read it through before, but this morning, it was as if I read it for the very first time.  Isn't it strange how that happens?  The Lord uses passages of His Word to really "speak to us" in a sense and to reveal His truth.  He is the One who truly causes us to understand scripture, and He opens our eyes to it so that we can see and understand.

Now, I know that these particular verses here are not necessarily hard to understand.  Meaning, it is not like a passage in Revelation where you must really comprehend the context of what is being said, the history, the language, and even the meaning of the words in order to truly and rightly interpret the meaning of the verse.  These verses in Psalm 37 are very straightforward.  There are even no foot notes or commentaries in my Bible "explaining" what David is saying here.  It is plain and simple. 

Go re-read the passage again.

I am to take pleasure in and to be completely captivated by my Savior and Lord.  When my life portrays a spirit-filled likeness as David describes in verse 4 as "delight", the Lord will give us our hearts desires, which are also His!

Verse 5 really hit home for me.  The dictionary defines the word "commit" as stated in this verse (NKJ version) as to "pledge", to "bind", to "set aside", and to "entrust".   Also, it is from the Latin word committere meaning to  'join and entrust'.    So, I am commanded here to "pledge, bind, set aside, and entrust" my ways to the Lord.  Wow.  This part really convicted me.  Am I truly following what this verse says?

As the verse ends, we are also exhorted to trust (firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something) in the Lord for that which we have set aside and pledged to Him!

Lastly, there is a promise..."He will bring it to pass".   Wow.  We must completely bind our desires to Himself, to trust and rely completely upon Him, and then we are comforted with these last words in verse 5.   It is so amazing!

The Christian life is truly a life lived in complete dependence upon the Lord. (John 15:5)

Are you entrusting your ways to the Lord and relying completely on Him?  

We should ask ourselves this question every day!

We are not to live a life of independence.

Truth and Lies About Marriage

Please, click on the link below and read the following post!   Give me your thoughts on it if you would like!

Lies Young Women Believe | Truth and Lies About Marriage

Thursday, June 16, 2011


A good friend of mine shared with me this song on YouTube.  It is very encouraging!  Please, take a moment and listen. 

Never Alone

Elizabeth Elliot wrote: 

"Be still and know that He is God. When you are lonely, too much stillness is exactly the thing that seems to be laying waste your soul. Use the stillness to quiet your heart before God. Get to know Him. If He is God, He is still in charge.
Remember that you are not alone. Jesus promised His disciples, “Lo, I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20). Never mind if you cannot feel His presence. He is there, never for one moment forgetting you.
Give thanks. In times of my greatest loneliness I have been lifted up by the promise of 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, “For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.” This is something to thank God for. This loneliness itself, which seems a weight, will be far outweighed by glory.
Refuse self pity. Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with power to destroy you. Turn your thoughts to Christ who has already carried your griefs and sorrows.
Accept your loneliness. It is one stage, and only one stage, on a journey that brings you to God. It will not always last.
Offer up your loneliness to God, as the little boy offered to Jesus his five loaves and two fishes. God can transform it for the good of others.
Do something for somebody else. No matter who or where you are, there is something you can do, somebody who needs you. Pray that you may be an instrument of God’s peace, that where there is loneliness you may bring joy.
The important thing is to receive this moment’s experience with both hands. Don’t waste it. “Wherever you are, be all there,” Jim once wrote. “Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

Rest in His promises dear friends, that He will never leave us nor forsake us!  

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What do you think?

I want to ask you a quick question.  You do not have to reply to it, unless you want to, since it is quite a personal one.  Please, just take a moment and really think about....

What it is you think upon most?

What a Friend We Have in Him!

I love this hymn!  It is a good reminder of who we serve.  Please, take a moment to really focus on the words.  

  1. What a friend we have in Jesus,
    All our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
    Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
    Oh, what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
  2.  Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged—
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Can we find a friend so faithful,
    Who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness;
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
  3. Are we weak and heavy-laden,
    Cumbered with a load of care?
    Precious Savior, still our refuge—
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
    Take it to the Lord in prayer!
    In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
    Thou wilt find a solace there.
  4. Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
    Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
    May we ever, Lord, be bringing
    All to Thee in earnest prayer.
    Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
    There will be no need for prayer—
    Rapture, praise, and endless worship
    Will be our sweet portion there.
 What is your relationship with Christ? 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Letting Go

I just read this quote by Elizabeth Elliot, and it presented a challenge for me in what I think upon and in how I think.

“Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes, all my own desires and hopes, and accept thy will for my life.  I give myself, my life, my all utterly to Thee to be Thine forever.  fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit.  Use me as Thou wilt, send me where Thou wilt, work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost, now, and forever.”

 - Elizabeth Elliot

This is how each follower of Christ must think!!!

My Fortune Cookie

It is so good to be reminded of the truths in scripture!  It's neat to see how the Lord does bring His Word to our mind in sometimes unexpected, simple ways!  For example...

One evening, my parents and I were eating a scrumptious meal from our favorite Chinese restaurant.  As we were finishing up our great dinner, we of course had to see what our "fortune" was in the traditional cookie given at the end of the meal.   So, my dad, mom, and I took our turns breaking open our fortune cookies, and we began to read what each one of us got.  Now, just to clarify, I do not believe that any of these slips of paper is going to really tell me my fortune because I know that God alone only knows what my future holds, but of course, out of fun we like to read off and see what each of us received.  It was quite interesting to hear each of our "fortunes".   Well, they were all more like "advice" cookies instead of "fortunes", but let me just say that mine gave some pretty good "advice".

It was very appropriate for me to receive this particular "advice" cookie because it has been something that I have needed to really focus on and trust the Lord for completely and fully!  Mine was:  "Good things come to those who wait".   My mind immediately went to Isaiah 40:31, which says, "but those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  In a very round about and somewhat odd way, I was reminded of this truth from reading the little slip of paper in my "fortune cookie".   It was what I needed to hear right then and there, and it is something that I must continually focus on each and every day.

It is something I would "advise" you all in as well, to continually wait upon the Lord for His guidance and direction in your life.  He is ultimately in control, and we must focus on being faithful to Him and seeking Him more and more everyday.  He will open and shut doors for us in our lives, and we are called to wait, trust, and obey.

Waiting is not easy because we all desire to take moments of our lives into our own hands instead of completely relying upon Him; however, it never says that waiting would be simple and easy.  It is a dependence that can be very difficult.  Yet, it is the best thing in the world to wait because in that period of uncertainty we can draw closer and closer to Him.  It is in those hard times that He reveals who He is to us more and more!

Wait on Him, and He will make your paths straight!   Take courage friends!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Focusing on the Truth

It is often very hard to be in submission to the Lord.  It is often very tiresome to wait for His beconning and calling.  It is often very dejecting to have numerous unanswered prayers.  It is often very confusing at moments to fully understand why He does not provide in the ways we ask especially when they seem to be good and honorable requests.  It is often very frustrating to experience trials and difficulties in the same areas of life that we may have pleaded numerous times before to be taken away.  Yet, in the midst of all of these discouragements and questions in life, we are given great comfort, joy, peace, and hope...through the very Word of God. 

So, when it is very hard to be in submission to my God, I need to be reminded of the words written in 1 Peter 5:6-11: "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  Resist Him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.  But may the God of grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.  To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever.  Amen."

When I become weary of waiting upon the Lord, I simply must focus on His promises.  "And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you." (Psalm 9:10).  "I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry."  (Psalm 40:1).  "I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope." (Psalm 130:5)  "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

When I am confused as to why He does not seem to answer my requests that may seem good, I am reminded that every good and perfect gift comes from above, and that my Heavenly Father knows how to give good gifts to His children.  "...What man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?  Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?  If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him" (Matthew 7:9-11).  Also,  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

When it is so hard to repeatedly endure trials and difficulties, I am to follow what is written in James 1.  "...Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." (James 1:2-4).  In addition, I am to..."rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  I must focus on the Truth that He has already given me the strength to endure, for I have the power of the Holy Spirit within me.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  (Philippians 4:13)

Dear friends, be in the Word and focus on the Truth because this life will not bring true satisfaction and joy apart from Christ, so focus on the One who will ultimately provide for our every need!  

Thank you for reading!  God bless!

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Shepherd

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.  You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup rus over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever." 

(Psalm 23:1-6) 
What an amazing passage of scripture this is.  I forget far too often that My Shepherd is the One who leads me, that My Shepherd is the One who sustains and comforts me, that My Shepherd is the One who restores me, and that My Shepherd is the One who strengthens me.  My Shepherd is my everything...I shall not be in want.  

You need to continually be reminded of the promises of your Shepherd, so that you too will not often forget.   Be in the Word.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Stay on the Path

This is such a good verse!  "Ponder the path of your feet, and let ALL your ways be established.  Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil."  [Proverbs 4:26-27]

Are you deviating from the path you are to walk?

Where Are Your Treasures?

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."   (Matthew 6:19-21). 

This verse came into my mind this morning.  I really want to focus on what Christ is saying here.  Is he saying that we cannot accumulate any treasures here on earth?   Can we not save up anything that is material?   After I read the verse in my Bible, I read the commentary on it.  It stated:  "Don't amass earthly wealth.  He (Christ) commands the use of financial assets for purposes which are heavenly and eternal.  See notes on Luke 16:1-9."

Wanting to study it further to make sure that I really grasped what was being said here, I looked up a sermon on this particular verse.  John MacArthur helped to shed some light on this verse, and it was very helpful to think about.  Here is what he was saying concerning these verses:   

"...the real issue: Where is your heart? It's where your treasure is, wherever you put your investment is where you're going to put your heart. If all that you possess is locked up in commodities and accounts and notes and savings and whatever else that's where your heart's going to be. But if it is in the process of being invested in God's causes that's where your heart's going to be...You see wherever I set my heart is really the critical issue in my spiritual life. Wherever my affections are is going to determine how I perceive everything. And if my heart is right and my treasure is toward God, then I'm going to have the right kind of spiritual perception. Wherever my heart is, is going to be where my treasure is because I have to attach myself to my investment, that's really the matter that Jesus is speaking of."

To be honest, I never really have taken much thought to what these particular verses mean.  It is good to think about though!  

Where is YOUR heart?   What do you invest in?   Please, really think about it.  "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  (v. 21) 

Thank you for reading! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do You Hate What God Hates?

If you claim to be a follower of Christ, you should abhor evil.  Meaning, when you see the evil that is so rampant in today's society, you should be disgusted by it because it is in direct opposition to the One you declare to love.  If you love Christ, you will cringe at any sight of that which goes directly against your Master, whom you claim to serve.

I read a devotional by Spurgeon, and it talks about this very subject.  It may be a bit tricky to read at parts because of all the "thees and thous", and words may seem to be misspelled, but it simply reflects the time-period in which it was first written.  The truth is there, loud and clear, it can never be outdated.   Please take a moment to read.

Psalm 97:10

“Thou hast good reason to “hate evil,” for only consider what harm it has already wrought thee. Oh, what a world of mischief sin has brought into thy heart! Sin blinded thee so that thou couldst not see the beauty of the Saviour; it made thee deaf so that thou couldst not hear the Redeemer’s tender invitations. Sin turned thy feet into the way of death, and poured poison into the very fountain of thy being; it tainted thy heart, and made it “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Oh, what a creature thou wast when evil had done its utmost with thee, before divine grace interposed! Thou wast an heir of wrath even as others; thou didst “run with the multitude to do evil.” Such were all of us; but Paul reminds us, “but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” We have good reason, indeed, for hating evil when we look back and trace its deadly workings. Such mischief did evil do us, that our souls would have been lost had not omnipotent love interfered to redeem us. Even now it is an active enemy, ever watching to do us hurt, and to drag us to perdition.

Therefore “hate evil,” O Christians, unless you desire trouble. If you would strew your path with thorns, and plant nettles in your death-pillow, then neglect to “hate evil:” but if you would live a happy life, and die a peaceful death, then walk in all the ways of holiness, hating evil, even unto the end. If you truly love your Saviour, and would honour him, then “hate evil.” We know of no cure for the love of evil in a Christian like abundant intercourse with the Lord Jesus. Dwell much with him, and it is impossible for you to be at peace with sin.   “Order my footsteps by thy Word,  And make my heart sincere;  Let sin have no dominion, Lord,  But keep my conscience clear.”

If you associate yourself with Jesus Christ, you so clearly then must walk in obedience to Him and hate what He hates.  You may ask, "what does He hate?"  My reply is, GO READ HIS WORD, and then you shall know! 

Thank you for taking the time to read! 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cast Your Burdens on Him

My encouraging mother recently shared this devotional with me, and it was SO good for me to read!  It really got me thinking and realizing how much I place upon myself instead of taking it to my Lord.  I would like to pass along these words of wisdom to you:

Psalm 55:22

Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin. The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Savior, again and again; it is reiterated by the apostles; and it is one which cannot be neglected without involving transgression: for the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into his place to do for him that which he has undertaken to do for us. We attempt to think of that which we fancy he will forget; we labor to take upon ourselves our weary burden, as if he were unable or unwilling to take it for us. Now this disobedience to his plain precept, this unbelief in his Word, this presumption in intruding upon his province, is all sinful. Yet more than this, anxious care often leads to acts of sin. He who cannot calmly leave his affairs in God’s hand, but will carry his own burden, is very likely to be tempted to use wrong means to help himself. This sin leads to a forsaking of God as our counselor, and resorting instead to human wisdom. This is going to the “broken cistern” instead of to the “fountain;” a sin which was laid against Israel of old. Anxiety makes us doubt God’s loving kindness, and thus our love to him grows cold; we feel mistrust, and thus grieve the Spirit of God, so that our prayers become hindered, our consistent example marred, and our life one of self-seeking. Thus want of confidence in God leads us to wander far from him; but if through simple faith in his promise, we cast each burden as it comes upon him, and are “careful for nothing” because he undertakes to care for us, it will keep us close to him, and strengthen us against much temptation. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.”

Are you casting your burdens upon the Lord? 

He is Our Everything

James 4:6-10 & John 15:5 - Go read them! My pastor discussed these great passages of scripture. The key to living as conquerors is Christ.  He is our purpose in life. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. As believers we MUST draw nearer and nearer to our Lord and Savior. I love this quote, "It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Christ Jesus!" What is your relationship with Christ's good to examine, dear friends!   Are you living your life in dependence upon Him?!  Are you walking in obedience to His Word?  Is Christ your everything?