"When they...compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding."
(2 Corinthians 10:12)
I read this passage of scripture this morning and was completely convicted. I find myself often comparing my own life and situations to others. As a result, I become discontent with what I have and am unthankful for all that the Lord has done in my life, forgetting all that He has blessed me with! Well, as scripture so clearly expresses, this is wrong. Comparing is very dangerous, do not underestimate it. It can lead believers into jealousy, envy, covetousness, and it can strain their relationship with the Lord. I myself need to be very careful and not compare.
I have a twin brother, and for all you twins out there, you know what I am talking about when I put the word "twin" and "compare" together. It seems almost inevitable for twins to compare themselves to each other. I found myself doing this all growing up. I would compare myself to Chad, my brother, whether it was in school, sports, or just fun activities we would be involved in. We both grew up playing the violin and let me tell you, I did a lot of comparing when it came to that subject. There are things that came more naturally to him than me, and vise versa. He was always a stud when it came to sports, and me, well...I love sports, but let me just say, that my hand-eye-coordination is not so great. However, when it comes to running and training for long-distance runs, let's just say I got the upper hand on that one. ;)
Ok, so as you can guess, there may have been some comparing and competitiveness going on growing up, but to get back to what Paul was talking about in the verse I first mentioned, "When they...compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding" (2 Corinthians 10:12).
So, me comparing myself to Chad or whoever else, is dangerous, because it can lead to a discontent, unthankful, and even prideful attitude.
My prayer for myself is that when I find myself comparing myself to others in any way, whether it be concerning what possessions they have or even their circumstances in life, I am to "shut down" those thoughts and focus on what the Lord has given me, and to be thankful for that. Also, I want to share something that Jerry Bridges wrote that was very convicting for me to read:
"We constantly see believes around us who seem more blessed by God than we are. Some are more gifted in spiritual abilities; others always succeed with little effort; others seem to have few problems or concerns. Probably none of us is exempt from the temptation to envy someone else's blessings and secretly grumble at God, or even charge Him with rank injustice, for giving another person more in some way than He has given us.
Yet God in His sovereignty has the right to bless each of us as He chooses. consider these words from the apostle Paul: "But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, 'Why have you made me like this?' Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable uses? (Romans 9:20-21)
Regardless of how we understand the particular application of Paul's teaching, we cannot escape its basic principle: God is sovereign. And He's sovereign in every area of life. Our Creator has the right to endow each of us at birth with different physical and mental abilities, different temperament characteristics, and different natural talents. He also has the right to give each of us different spiritual gifts. and it's obvious God exercises those rights. We're not created equal nor given equal opportunities throughout life. Each of us has his or her own unique set of circumstances, some appearing much more favorable than others. Since God is under no obligation to any of us, He's free to bless some more than others as He chooses. He has the right to do what He wants with His blessings."
~Jerry Bridges
Yep, that was good for Breana to hear! I need to be thankful for where the Lord has me in life, for what the Lord has given me in possessions, and for what the Lord has bestowed on me in EVERY area of life. I should not compare myself to others (including my brother), but instead, thank the Lord for His blessings that He has graciously given me, and be content. This is easier said than done of course, and O boy do I have a lot of growing to do in this area, but I need to continually depend upon the Lord and pray that He will give me a thankful, content, and gracious spirit!
Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and as it is only appropriate, take time to count the blessings the Lord has given you, and thank Him for them!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friends!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18
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