Yesterday, it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, there was no wind, except for a calm breeze, the temperature was perfect (for November), and I was able to enjoy a nice run on the sand. After I completed my work-out, I walked for a bit on the water line, just gazing at God's glorious creation. I looked around me and saw the encompassing beautiful, clear, blue sky, the crashing of the waves on the surf, and the soaring of the seagulls overhead...what a beautiful place, what a majestic view!!
As I continued to look all around me, I was completely overtaken with a sense of great awe..."How great is my God, the Creator of all of this!" I felt so small and insignificant under the vastness of the blue sky above me and so powerless and weak next to the mighty waves. My God created all of this, and His creation declares His greatness and points to His majesty. Wow.
This verse comes to mind-
"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?"
Psalm 8:3-4
Here in these verses, David expressed exactly what I felt. We see God's amazing creation and we are in awe of it's vastness and beauty. It should point us to Him, God the Creator (Psalm 19:1-4). We also see His great power and might in His creation, and yet we know that it is not even a fraction of how great He is. So, if such glorious and grand places, such as the beach, (or even to mention...the Grand Canyon), are in a sense "only the fingerprints of God" leaves me speechless. How then, is it that our GREAT and AWESOME God, is mindful of me, Breana Haas.
I love the commentary on this verse. It says, "If the whole universe is diminutive (extremely or unusually small) in the sight of Divine Creator, how much less is the significance of mankind! Even the word for "man" used in v. 4 alludes to his weakness." - Yet, as you read on in verse 6 of this Psalm, it shows the significance of man, who was created in the very image of God, to have dominion over the "works of Your hands". Wow.
He created me, Breana Haas, in His very image, He knew me before the foundation of the world. He loves me, He cares for me, He knows everything about me...even the number of hairs on my head. Isn't that just amazing?! What an awesome God we have!
The beach, for me, is a reminder of who my great God is, for He us full of loving-kindness and tender mercy!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18