A few weeks ago, my mom shared this little "prayer" with me that she would say when times were difficult for her and when she found herself in those situations, as mentioned above.
"Lord, let Your Spirit tell me what to say and do in this situation. Be Lord of my judgments, subdue my passions, control my impulses, and let Your Spirit guide me. Lord, be soul and life to me, and in the triple kingdom of my spirit, soul, and body, be my supreme Master. In every providence of my nature, may Your law be set up and Your will be done."
I want this to be my prayer as well in that moment and time when I do not feel like acting Christlike because of my circumstances. Our emotions and feelings are so powerful, and they most certainly can lead us in a way we do not want to go. That is why we should stop, pray, and align our thinking up with what the Word of God says to do instead of following our impulses and feelings that tell us to "lash out" or to "give them what they deserve".
Psalm 39:1 and Proverbs 21:23 are great verses to memorize and meditate on. Go read them!!
Have a great start to your week, friends!
~Grow in Grace~
(2 Peter 3:18)