"The Word became Flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory. Glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."
~John 1:14~
"He who has seen Me has seen the Father."
~John 14:9~
Both of these verses declare that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God, our Savior. He humbled Himself, taking on the form of man and dwelt among us. He sacrificed Himself for sinful humans. What grace! What love!! What hope!!!
Indeed, we have a great hope, in Christ! On Christmas Day, we celebrate the birth of this miraculous hope.
I love what John MacArthur wrote:
"Christmas is a time of celebration and song, goodwill and good food, family and friends. Bu it's important to remember that the source of Christmas is the saving Christ.
Humanity is lost, fallen. We were separated from God because of our sin, and our only hop of forgiveness was for someone completely innocent of any wrongdoing to take all the punishment for our crimes. Such a perfect life and a perfect love were impossible for any human to achieve, so God Himself did it for us. He sent His Son form eternity into mortality, form glory into flesh, and from a throne to a manger. Ultimate hope was born in ultimate humility.
Whenever you study the Gospels, you see God in every picture of Christ. He talks like God, acts like God, thinks like God, performs miracles that only God could do, teaches truth only God would teach, and responds with the love, goodness, wisdom, and omniscience that only God could possess. And it all begins with the birth of the divine Child.
This is the immeasurable gift of Christmas. Christ, God's own Son, gave up His wealth and privilege to live as God with us. Immanuel, that He might save his people from our sins and that through His poverty we might become rich.
The miraculous gift of Christmas is God being born in a manger, so we can be born again in His glory!"
What a GREAT hope we have in Christ!!! Praise His Name!!!
So, as we celebrate Christmas day tomorrow, may we focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the true meaning of that. It is something that we should give thanks for every single day of our lives! Praise the Lord for this Great Hope given 2,000 years ago!
Merry Christmas dear friends!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18
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