I read this on an other blog I follow via twitter, and it was very good. Please, I would highly recommend you taking a moment and reading the following.
"The desires of the heart are not unchangeable. God never promises to give you what you want, to meet your felt needs and longings. He tells you to be ruled by other, different desires. This is radical. God promises to change what you really want! God insists that He be first, and all lesser loves be radically subordinate…
God challenges the things that everybody, everywhere eagerly pursues (Matt. 6:32). What desires of body and mind (Eph. 2:3) do people naturally follow? Consider our characteristic passions: desires of the body include life itself, air, health, water, food, clothing, shelter, sexual pleasure, rest, and exercise. Desires of the mind include happiness, being loved, meaning, money and possessions, respect, status, accomplishment, self-esteem, success, control, power, self-righteousness, aesthetic pleasure, knowledge, marriage and family. Must these rule our lives? They did not rule Jesus’ life. Can these cravings really be changed? The Bible says Yes, and points us to the promises of God: to indwell us with power, to write truth on our hearts, to pour out His love in our hearts, to enable us to say “Abba, Father.”
As we have seen, many of these things are not bad in themselves. The evil in our desires does not lie in what we want, but in the fact that we want it too much. Our desires for good things seize the throne, becoming idols that replace the King. God refuses to serve our instinctive longings, but commands us to be ruled by other longings. What God commands, He provides the power to accomplish: He works in us both the willing and the doing of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13)."
~By Melissa Griffen
"Beauty Supplements"
I pray that the Lord would continually transform my desires into His! The Christian life is not a life of drudgery, despair, and feelings of lost ambition and dreams, but as we seek Christ daily, we will be fulfilled and satisfied by what He continually does in us. Will it be difficult at times, of course. Will we have desires that may not be fulfilled right away or at all, yes, but as we continually cling to Him, there is a joy that will abound that is far above anything we could ever wish or dream for! As Melissa touched on, our desires may change as He transforms our life. Seek Him friends, and find true, everlasting joy!
Have a great Wednesday!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18