Monday, October 10, 2011

I Have a Big God!

   For the past couple of weeks I have been making my way through the book of Exodus.  I currently have read my way up to the 9th chapter.  The reason I began studying this great book is because I knew that I needed to be reminded of who my God is. 

    I regularly forget how BIG and GREAT  He really is.  In reading through Exodus, I am being reminded of His majesty and glory.

    Seeing His divine hand in raising Moses up as Israel's deliverer, seeing His power and might displayed in Egypt against Pharaoh, and seeing His loving kindness and mercy towards His people Israel, is incredible to read and to really think about...THIS God is my God!  I pray to the same God that Moses cried out to, the same God who mightily worked in Egypt, and who dealt so graciously with Israel.  Wow!

   Isn't that just so neat to think about?!  I need to focus on who God is by reading these passages of scripture because I know that I am forgetful and become distracted. 

    I call these passages of scripture, such as Exodus 6-12, "Big God Passages" because it reveals SO emphatically how mighty and great God is.

     I need to be constantly reminded of who my God is and what He has done.  How easily I forget.

I would encourage you this week to read some "Big God Passages", and really meditate on them.

Have a good start to your week!

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

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