Have you ever thought of anxiety as being sinful?! To be honest, I don't often perceive it to be, but when you really delve into what being anxious means, it completely makes sense. It is very convicting to look into, but VERY necessary and good. I struggle with anxiety at times, whether it be a result of the little things in life or even the big things. Whether it may "spring up" as a result of a seemingly small issue or because of a gigantic problem...it does not change the fact that anxiety is wrong.
This is the convicting devotional I read this morning. Please take a moment to read!
"When we tell someone, 'Don't be anxious', we're simply trying to encourage or admonish that person in a helpful way. But when God in His Word tells us, 'Don't be anxious', it has the force or a moral command. It's His moral will that we not be anxious. Or to say it more explicitly,
anxiety is sin.
Anxiety is sin for two reasons. first, it's a distrust of God. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus said that if our heavenly Father takes care of the birds of the air ad the lilies of the field, will He not much more take are of our temporal needs? When I give way to anxiety, I'm in effect believing that God won't take care of me.
Anxiety is also a lack of acceptance of God's providence- His orchestrating all circumstances and events in His universe for His glory and the good of His people. Some believers have difficulty accepting this fact that Go does in fact do this, and even those who believe this glorious truth often lose sight of it. Instead we focus on immediate causes of our anxiety rather than remembering that those causes are under God's control.
Anxiety is one of my most persistent temptations. If you're frequently tempted to anxiety as I am, can you recognize the types of circumstances that tend to make you anxious? Do you identify with me in chafing under God's providential will for you when it differs from your own agenda? If so, I encouraged you to ask God to give you faith to believe that His providential will for you in these circumstances flows from His infinite wisdom and goodness and is ultimately intended for your good. Ask Him to give you a heart that is submissive to His providential will."
~Jerry Bridges~
As I was reading this devotional, my mind started to wander to the variety of things that I am anxious about. I think that it would be a good idea to write down those "anxiety prone issues" and pray about them to the Lord. We need to daily be reminded of this truth, that God is our 'Abba' Father, and He cares for us! (1 Peter 5:7) As a Father cares for and loves His child, so our Heavenly Father watches out for us and meets our needs. We need to depend upon Him (John 5:15), and to trust in Him daily (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Don't be anxious dear friends, but believe the promises that God has given to us in His word and trust in the Lord!
~Grow in Grace~
2Peter 3:18