Monday, November 26, 2012


  Well, it sure has been a while since I have posted, but I am going to try and do better in the future.  I am making a bit of a transition.  I have decided to move my blog on over to another site and I also gave it a new name.  A bit of a makeover I guess.  So, I will no longer be posting here on this blog, so make sure to move on over and check out my blog here:

   Thank you!!!

2 Peter 3:18 


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Impossible? Or Possible?

Is there anything that may be too hard for the Lord?!  Can He really conquer the impossible?!

Do these thoughts ever go through your head?  Have you even let yourself believe in them...especially during the darkest and most difficult days of your life?

I can be honest and say that I have thought them.  Even by the way I act and as evidenced by my attitude, I can say that I have even believed them on occasion.

Let me tell you right now that those thoughts are lies and the enemy wants you to doubt the power and might of the Lord. 

Instead of letting those rotten falsehoods eat away at us, causing us to become embittered towards God, we need to counter those lies with the truth. 

What is the truth?  What am I supposed to tell myself in those moments when I doubt who God is and what He can do?

In Jeremiah 32:27, the Lord even declares to the prophet Jeremiah, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.  Is there anything too hard for Me?"  By the Lord asking this question, He affirms His power and might, and that He CAN do the impossible and that NOTHING is too difficult for Him.  He is the God of all. 

There are so many examples throughout the old and new testament that show how God conquered the impossible.  He gave Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age. He parted the Red Sea that His people may escape the Egyptians.  He provided food from the heavens in order to feed Israel.  He made water flow from a rock in the desert.  He gave David, a small and seemingly insignificant boy, the strength to beat the undefeated giant, Goliath, who no Israelite soldier could stand against and win.  He gave Israel the victory over and over again when they were up against armies twice their size and strength.   He destroyed Jericho. These are just a few of the many, many examples of the strength and might of our God.  Can you think of more examples from scripture?!

The greatest example however can be found in Luke 1:26-35.  God, Himself, came to earth as a man, and was born of a virgin, Mary.   He bore our sins, taking the punishment and wrath of God on our behalf.  Yet, He also conquered death in His resurrection,  showing that He indeed is God.  All of this is impossible....but with God, it was possible.

So, next time you are doubtful of God's power and might, remember that time and time again, He has showed that nothing is too hard for Him!  (*I am speaking to myself as well!!*)

God does not change.  His character does not alter.  He still works in the lives of His children the same way as we have seen in the old testament and in the new.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Trust in His promises and in His Word.

This is why we have the Bible, so that we can know who God is and how He works! 

Pray that He will give you the strength to believe in His Truths.  It is not easy to hold to the truth, that is why we need to continually be renewing our minds, everyday, with His word.

Grow in grace dear friends!  Have a great rest of your worship Sunday!

~2 Peter 3:18~ 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

No Longer Anxious!


     A friend of mine on facebook posted this quote by Hudson Taylor.  It was just such a great reminder to me of the God I serve.  I even put the quote in my "favorite quotes" section here on my blog!  :)

"I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize that He is 
able to carry out His will for me.  It does not matter where He places
me, or how. 
That is for Him to consider, not me, for in the easiest positions,
He will give me grace, and in the most difficult ones,
His grace is sufficient. 

    A passage of scripture that I have been memorizing this past week came to mind as I was reading this quote. 

"Your way O God, is in the sanctuary.  Who is so great a God as our God? 
You are God who does wonders; 
You have declared your strength among the peoples." 
~Psalm 77:13-14~

   It is so easy to forget how powerful our God is.  That is why I love to read the Psalms. They always seem to point me back to the Truth and remind me that God is indeed great and that we have no need to fear or be anxious!

   So, let's focus on the truth as we head into another week.

~Grow in Grace~ 
 2 Peter 3:18 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Heart, Christ's Home

   Happy Tuesday, readers!  It is such a gorgeous, hot day here where I live, and I am loving it!  I know that it has been quite a while since I posted, but it has been an eventful summer for me to say the least.  Well, enough of my excuses.

   Last night, I had the privilege of visiting my dad's Bible study that he teaches for the young, married couples at our church.  I usually don't attend, since I don't yet have a husband, haha, but dad was nice enough to let me join in on last nights meeting as a single young woman. ;-)

   My dad has been teaching from the book of Ephesians.  Last night, he delved into chapter 3 vv. 14-21.

    Ephesians is such a great book, and these particular verses are indeed convicting to read! (*go read them!*)

   My dad discussed quite a bit from verse 17.  This verse states,

"...That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height--..."  

    My dad pointed out the word "dwell".   Every Christian is indwelt by Christ the moment he trusts in Him as Savior and Lord.   Christ lives in us, he dwells within us!

   To give more of a picture of what this means, my dad shared with everyone what author Robert Munger wrote in his book entitled, My Heart Christ's Home. 

     Munger, in his book, pictures the Christian life as a house, through which Jesus goes from room to room.  In the library, which is the mind, Jesus finds trash and all sorts of worthless things, which He proceeds to throw out, and replace with His Word.  In the dining room of appetite He finds many sinful desires listed in a worldly menu. In the place of such things as prestige, materialism, and lust He puts humility, meekness, love, and all the other virtues for which believers are to hunger and thirst.  He goes through the living room of fellowship, where He finds many worldly companions and activities, through the workshop, where only toys are being made, into the closet, where hidden sins are kept, and so on through the entire house.  Only when He had cleaned every room, closet, and corner of sin and foolishness could He settle down and be at home. 

     "Jesus enters the house of our hearts the moment He saves us, but he cannot live there in comfort and satisfaction until it is cleansed of sin and filled with His will," Munger writes.  "God is gracious beyond comprehension and infinitely patient.  He continues to love those of His children who insist on spurning His will.  Be He cannot be happy or satisfied in such a heart.  He cannot be fully at home until He is allowed to dwell in our hearts through the continuing faith that trusts him to exercise His lordship over every aspect of our lives.  We practice as well as receive His presence by faith.  How awesome and wonderful that the almighty and holy God wants to live in our hearts, be at home there, and rule there! Yet Jesus said, 'If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him."' (John 14:23).

    Wow.  What do you think of that?! After my dad shared this, it gave me such a clearer picture of what the word dwell really means.

    Does Christ dwell in you?!  Are you keeping His Word and following after Him?!

    These are some good questions to think about, friends!

     May you have a Christ-centered week and learn to understand more and more of what it means for Christ to dwell in you!

~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Teach Me My Lord...

     I want to share with you a wonderful poem my mother wrote me a few years ago.  Whenever I read it, I am reminded of how I must react when those I care about and love, fail and disappoint me.

      So often we elevate relationships and people to a point of worship and even obsession.  This is very dangerous and wrong.  We expect people to meet our needs and when they don't, we end up very disappointed and even heart-broken. People will let us down, whether it is intentional or not, but as Christians, we should not place our hope in people, who will mess up and disappoint us.  Instead, we must place our anchor and expectation in the Lord, who will fulfill our needs and who is forever faithful.   He should be number one in our lives and the most important relationship we seek.  When we lose sight of this and idolize others, this is when it becomes very dangerous. 

    It is so easy to have high expectations of others and to depend so much on them.   So, how should we react when a friend or family member is not as supportive or sympathetic as we would like?  How are we to act towards them?  What would the Lord want us to do? 

   This is what my mom wrote...

"Teach me my Lord to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life, in 
disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied. 

 Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my little pains and heartaches so that I may be the only one to suffer from them.  

Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path, let me so use it that it mellow me, not harden nor embitter me, that it may make me patient, nor irritable, that it may make me broad in mu forgiveness, not narrow, haughty, and overbearing.  

May no one be less good for having come within my influence.  No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble, for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward--Eternal life. " 

     Always remember, friends, to seek the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind, and place Him first in your life.  Friendships and relationships are a blessing the Lord gives and an encouragement, but they were never meant to take place or to take precedence of our Heavenly Father in our hearts and lives.  

It's always good to think about! :-) 

Have a good start to your week!  

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 



Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beware of the Rhino!

Interesting title to this post, huh?!  Well hopefully by the end of this entry, you will understand why I chose that heading.

This afternoon, I read Romans 7:14-20.  It is one of those passages of scripture that you really have to read through slowly and thoroughly in order to make sure you are tracking with what is being said.

Here is what Paul wrote: 

"For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.  For what I am doing, I do not understand.  For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.  If then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good.  But now, it is no longer I who do it (note: his new nature in Christ), but sin that dwells in me (note: my sinful nature).  For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.  for the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.  Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me." 

Now, maybe go back through and re-read those verses to just make sure you are following what he is saying.  It took me a few times to really get it.

It is obvious that Paul is describing a great struggle and conflict in a believer's heart and mind.  The desire to do good, to obey the Lord, bumps up against the will of sinful, human nature.   There will be battles that every follower of Christ will face.  That is why we must continually be on guard and ready to fight.

I am currently reading this great book entitled, The Enemy Within.  Sounds pretty intense, doesn't it?! In the particular chapter I was just reading, it was discussing how there is a great pull and conflict between the flesh and the desire and will (our new nature, created in Christ) to obey the Lord.

The author of the book, Kris Lundgaard, started out the chapter by giving a quote, by G.K. Chesterton, which states, "If a rhinoceros were to enter the restaurant now, there is no denying he would have great power here.  But I should be the first to rise and assure him that he had no authority whatever."

Lundgaard proceeded to write that: "The law of sin in believers is like Chesterton's rhino.  The only moral, authoritative rule over believers is the kingdom and reign of God.  Indwelling sin is a usurper to the throne who, like the rhino, can at times force himself on us.  Even though we rise and tell him he has no authority, he can push us around the restaurant." 

We must be aware that there is a great battle going on all around us and we HAVE to continually be on guard and be ready to fight.  This "rhino", a.k.a, our sinful flesh, will push and pull you into sin and disobedience.  How can we better equip ourselves to resist temptation and the urge to disobey the Lord?! 

I definitely think that renewing our minds with the Truth, God's Word, will equip our hearts to resist what is sinful.  Also, praying and crying out to the Lord for help and for forgiveness when we sin is always a necessity.  Asking and seeking encouragement from other strong believers is also a wonderful way we can be built up in the faith.  These are just a few things that come to my mind that have helped me in pushing away the "rhino".  It is something I need to continually keep up and practice all that time.  It is so difficult.  It is a War!

Stand guard friends and don't let that "rhino" tear you down or run you over.  Stand strong in the Lord and fight!  You need to make sure that you are properly equipped! 

~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spiritual Muscle Development

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted.  I hopefully will make up for big gap it in today's post. 

A good friend of mine, who lives in Missouri, sent me this wonderful post on "waiting". 

I have come to sometimes despise that word.  Waiting.  However, it is something each of us must experience and it even can be for our benefit. 

I would really encourage you to take a few minutes and read the following article my friend sent me.  It was written by a man named Paul Tripp.  It is worth the time to read, let me tell ya!   It was SO good for me to sit down and take a look at!

Please let me know what you think of it. I would love your feedback. :)

Ok, here we go...

Spiritual Muscle Development 

"So, what happens inside of you when you are asked to wait?  Is waiting, for you, a time of strengthening or weakening? Have you ever stopped to consider why God asks you to wait?  Let me point you to one of his purposes.  

-Waiting is Giving You Time-

When God asks you to wait, what happens to your spiritual muscles?  While you wait, do your spiritual muscles grow bigger and stronger or do they grow flaccid and atrophied?  Waiting for the Lord isn't about God forgetting you, forsaking you, or being unfaithful to his promises.  It's actually God giving you time to consider his glory and to grow stronger in the faith.  Remember, waiting isn't just about what you are hoping for at the end of the wait, but also about what you will become as you wait.  

Waiting always presents me with a spiritual choice-point.  Will I allow myself to question God's goodness and progressively grow weaker in faith, or will I embrace the opportunity of faith that God is giving me and build my spiritual muscles? (see Psalm 27:4) 

It's so easy to question your belief system when you are not sure what God is doing.  It's so easy to give way to doubt when you are being called to wait.  It's so easy to forsake good habits and to take up habits of unfaith that weaken the muscles of the heart.  Let me suggest some habits of unfaith that causee waiting to be a time of increasing weakness rather than of building strength.  These are the bad habits that all of us are tempted to give way to. 

Habits of Unfaith 

Giving way to doubt. There's a fine line between the struggle to wait and giving way to doubt.  When you are called to wait, you are being called to do something that wasn't part of your plan and is therefore something that you struggle to see as good.  Because you are naturally convinced that what you want is right and good, it doesn't seem loving that you are being asked to wait.  You can see how tempting it is then to begin to consider questions of God's wisdom, goodness, and love.  It is tempting, in the frustration of waiting, to actually begin to believe that you are smarter than God. 

Giving way to anger.  It's very easy to look around and begin to think that the bad guys are being blessed and the good guys are getting hammered (see Psalm 73).  There will be times when it simply doesn't seem right that you have to wait for something that seems so obviously good to you.  It will feel that you are being wronged, and when it does, it seems right to be angry.  Because of this, it's important to understand that the anger you feel in these moments is more than anger with he people or circumstances that are the visible cause for your waiting.  No, your anger is actually anger with the One who is in control of those people and those circumstances.  You are actually giving way to thinking that you have been wronged by God.  

Giving way to discouragement. This is where I begin to let my heart run away with the "If only _____," the "What if ______," and the "What will happen if _____."  I begin to give my mind to thinking about what will happen if my request isn't answered soon, or what in the world will happen if it's not answered at all.  This kind of meditation makes me feel that my life is out of control.  And I am able to think my life is out of control because I have forgotten God's wise and gracious control over every part of my existence.  Rather than my heart being filled with joy, my heart gets flooded with worry and dread.  Free mental time is spent considering my dark future, with all the resulting discouragement that will always follow.  

Giving way to envy.  When I am waiting, it's very tempting to look over the fence and wish for the life of someone who doesn't appear to have been called to wait.  It's very easy to take on a "I wish I were that guy" way of living.  You can't give way to envy without questioning God's wisdom and his love. Here is the logic: if God really loves you as much as he loves that other guy, you would have what your neighbor enjoys.  

Giving way to inactivity.  The result of giving way to all of these things is inactivity.  If God isn't as good and wise as I once thought he was, if he withholds good things from his children, and if he plays favorites then why would I continue to pursue him?  Maybe all those habits of faith aren't helping me after all; maybe I've been kidding myself.  

Sadly this is the course that many people take as they wait.  Rather than growing in faith, their motivation for spiritual exercise is destroyed by doubt, anger, discouragement, and envy, and the muscles of faith that were once robust and strong are not atrophied and weak." 

- Paul Tripp -

So, what did you think of this rather long post?! :) 

It is extremely hard to wait sometimes, but I really liked what this guy was saying...that as we wait we learn more about who God is and we grow closer and closer to Him.  So, maybe waiting is not bad at all, but a blessing!  I need to look at it more that way.  

Have a great week, friends!  Hopefully it won't be over a month next time I choose to post. 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 


Monday, March 19, 2012

Greatest Form of Ministry

"Prayer is the greatest and most powerful form of ministry.  When we pray for each other, the Lord hears, and He is at work.  Praying for one another is how we can minister to each other."  I was very much intrigued when my pastor said this yesterday during His sermon. 

It really got me thinking..."Do I really believe this?!  Do I really understand and fully grasp that God hears our requests and that prayer is such a powerful thing? That we are ministering to others when we pray?!" 

Do I really fully take into account the power of prayer?!  I think often that I don't. 

I tend to think more that in order to minister to others I must "do" something.  Whether its with my time, my money, or even just in talking to others or listening.  Of course, all of that is a great part of ministry, and I don't want to take the importance off of that, but I tend to discount the fact that prayer is also a form of ministry.  It is, in fact, the greatest!

I don't always need to be "doing" something in order to minister to others.  I simply must practice going before the Lord in prayer for others.  That is such a great ministry! 

Prayer is so glorious.  We are going before the very throne room of our King, taking our requests and concerns, while He graciously listens and tenderly replies, "I care".  (Psalm 55:22). 

What an amazing God we serve! 

Continue to practice prayer, dear friends.  Our Heavenly Father is always there to lead, guide, and direct. 

Prayer is such a great way for us to minister to others and it is something we must do!

Have a good Monday!

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 


Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Present Reality

~Romans 6:8~

"Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him." 

This morning...early...before I went to work, I read a great devotional that was very challenging and encouraging.  I want to share it with you:

"Unfortunately, many believers do not live as if justification is a permanent state.  They've divorced their hope of eternal life from their relationship with God today.  They expect to "put on" Christ's robe of righteousness only at death.  Meanwhile, in this life they draw their sense of God's acceptance from their most recent performance of Christian duties or their avoidance of certain sins.  Their "robe of righteousness" for daily living isn't from Christ, but one they've stitched together by their own performance.  

By contrast, the apostle Paul lived in a continuous state of conscious justification.  In Galatians 2:20 he wrote, 'The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.' In the context, Paul was speaking of his faith in Christ for justification.  But this was not simply a past event.  Rather, he was speaking of his present daily experience of living in a state of justification.  As George Smeaton wrote, 'Obviously, this is not the language of faith for attaining justification, but the language of a man already justified, and glorying in a sense of acceptance and the experience of grace.' 

For Paul, justification was not only a point-in-time event that occurred in the past, but a present reality in which he rejoiced every day.  Paul did what we should do.  He renounced any confidence in his own performance or, for that matter, any dismay over his lack of performance.  Instead, by faith he looked to Jesus Christ and His righteousness for his sense of being in right standing with God today, tomorrow, and throughout eternity."  

~Jerry Bridges~ 

This really got me thinking, "do I live as if justification is a present reality and a permanent state for me?" I need to be like Paul in that I should daily renounce any confidence in my own performance and also any dismay over my lack of performance for it is by faith, in Christ alone, that I am justified and saved.

What a glorious reality!!!  In Christ, we are declared righteous.  What grace and mercy! 

Have a good rest of your week...continue to think on the Truth and really ask yourselves the hard questions! 

~Grow in Grace~ 

2 Peter 3:18 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Just Want to be Happy!

We all have those days...maybe even weeks...or perhaps months, where we may not feel happy or joyful, and dare I say, thankful for what is happening in our lives.    We may be experiencing a great trial that completely drains us of most of our happiness or perhaps life seems so monotonous to the point where you just don't enjoy getting up out of bed in the morning, and you grudgingly face yet another work day.  Whatever it may be, most of us might think or even say out loud, "I just want to be happy!"  And often, we may think that in order to be truly happy our circumstances must change.

This is something I struggle with quite often..."Lord, of only this were to change, or this were to happen, then I believe I can truly rejoice and be happy." 

Do you ever think that?!  (and be honest with yourself) ;-)

In a book I have been reading, this topic came up and let me tell you, I was very convicted and felt like I was being lovingly rebuked and scolded by the author.
This is what I read:

"Human happiness is something that is dependent on the chances and changes of life, something which life may give and which life may also destroy.  The Christian blessedness is completely untouchable and unassailable.  

Jesus said this happiness is the joy that no man can take from you (John 16:22).  It's an inner peace, an iner bliss, an inner happiness, an inner joy not produces by circumstance...

The world can win its joys, and the world can equally well lose its joys.  A change in fortune, a collapse in health, the failure of a plan, the disappointment of an ambition, even a change in the weather can take away the fickle joy the world can give.  But the Christian has the serene and untouchable joy which comes from walking forever in the company and in the presence of Jesus Christ." 

(Excerpt taken from Kingdom Living Here and Now by J. MacArthur) 

It is so easy to let our difficult circumstances take the better of us as we allow them to control our emotions and feelings...but as a follower of Christ, I need to continually be "renewing my mind" (Romans 12:2), thinking on what is good, right, and true, and to give thanks (1 Thess. 5:18) even during the difficult times of life, and to trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) for everything.  When I practice these things, I will not easily give way to the roller coaster emotions of life, but instead, I will allow the truth to be my guide.  

Wow.  Sounds impossible to do at times, and it is so much easier said than done...*BIG sigh* 

But that is why I need to practice taking one day at a time and most importantly, one moment at a time.  

I need to rely upon the Lord continually and seek His strength and power.  

So....tomorrow is Monday, and I will be honest that I am not eager to start another busy work week, but I need to focus on the Truth, that in the Lord there is fullness of joy...true happiness!   

Have a blessed week, friends! 

~Grow in Grace~ 

2 Peter 3:18 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

In Christ Alone

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

I love this song.  The message is so profound and clear.   In 'Christ alone', our hope is found, our salvation is sealed, and our debt is paid.  

It is so heart wrenching and sad to think that there are those who do not share this great hope and joy.  They may live everyday as if they are the ones who are working their way to earn favor with God or they wake up every morning with a great dread or uncertainty of "what if it is just not enough!" 

For the follower of Christ, we can begin each day with the confidence that if we have placed our hope and trust in Christ alone, then we shall not fear or be in want.  

I would rather live everyday in that kind of confidence, joy, and security, than wonder if I have done enough, or am doing enough to secure my way to God....because that is just a never ending battle and downward spiral.

We can NEVER work our own way to a right standing with a Holy God.  That is why it is only Through Christ that my salvation is found.  

Are you standing "In Christ Alone", or are you banking on your own deeds to get you in on a "right standing" with the King?!  

Think about it.  It is so important. 


~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be On Guard!

It is sometimes so easy to let down our guard.  What do I mean by this?  Well, when we begin to think, "I can handle it", or "it's no big deal", or "its not THAT bad", concerning something that eventually could lead to our downfall, then we are slowly but surely beginning to give way into letting down our guard or our even tearing down our "wall", so to speak, of defense.

The enemy has many tactics he uses to help us in this process.  He can place doubts in our mind.  He can discourage us and begin to encourage us to become unsure of God and His very promises.  We need to be so careful of this.  That is why we must be on our guard!  All the time!!

I love what Leslie Ludy says, 

"If you find that you are constantly distracted with the cares of life, bogged down with emotional or physical “fog,” or pestered with irrational thoughts and fears, there is a good chance that the enemy of your soul is attempting to create confusion and keep you from building a wall of fortification around your life. Beware of saying, “I’ll press into God once these issues are gone.” That is exactly how the enemy wants you to respond. Like Nehemiah, we must aggressively pray and fight until the enemy realizes that we will not kowtow to his bullying.

“Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night…Therefore I positioned men behind the lower parts of the wall, at the openings; and I set the people according to their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows. And I…said to…the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight…And it happened, when our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had brought their plot to nothing, that all of us returned to the wall, everyone to his work. (Neh. 4:9,13-15)

Christ said, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matt. 26:41). We must live in such a way that we are constantly on guard, always sober and vigilant against the cunning schemes of the enemy (see 1 Peter 5:8). We mustn’t assume the road will be easy, but let us remember that we have available to us the weapons of heaven (see Eph. 6:10-17). And above all, may we remember who fights through us! “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)."

So, continually fortify your wall of defense dear friends!  If you become discouraged and even fearful, quickly go back to the promises of scripture and cling to that!  

It is so easy to bank so much on our emotions and cause them to lead, but we can't let our feelings take over.  They should follow.  So, even if you may "feel" a certain way or are emotional about something, don't let that be your guide.  Let the Word of God be your stronghold!  

It's a daily battle but all we have to do is take one day at a time.

What will you do today?!  Live in fear and discouragement, following your feelings, or will you cling to the promises of scripture and trust in the very words of the Lord?!  BE ON GUARD!! 

Build up your walls of defense! 

~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Choosing Our Mental Direction

I love to read a devotional by Jerry Bridges each morning as part of my "quite time".   If you have not read any of his material, I would highly encourage you to do so.  I have a couple of his books listed in my "favorite books" tab here on my blog that you should check out!   He is truly a wise man of God who enjoys nothing less than preaching and teaching the Word of God.

So, this morning I read a devotional by him and it really convicted and challenged me.  I want to share it with you.

~Choosing Our Mental Direction~ 

If we want to live under the influence of God's Word, our minds must be steeped in the Scriptures.  We must constantly turn our minds to His Word, continually pondering the meaning and application of its truth in our lives.  This may seem unrealistic and unattainable in our busy age when our minds need to be occupied with the various responsibilities we all have.  How can we meditate on Scripture when we have to think about our work all day long? 

We should not think of the concept of continually as meaning every moment, but rather as consistently and habitually.   When you can think about anything you want, what do you think about?  Is it your problems or a mental argument with someone else?  Do you allow your mind to drift into the wasteland of impure thoughts?  Or do you begin to meditate on Scripture?  

Thinking is our most constant activity.  Our thoughts are our constant occupation.  We're never without them.  But we can choose the direction and content of those thoughts. 

Mediation on Scripture is a discipline.  We must commit ourselves to be proactive.  We must memorize key passages  (or carry them on cards) so we can think about them.  We must be alert for those times during the day when we can turn our minds to the Word of God, and then we must do it.  Event he practice of daily Bible reading is insufficient if we go the rest of the day without meditating on some truths of Scripture.  We must choose to mediate instead of thinking about other things or listening to the radio watching television.  We simply have to decide what we want our minds to be influenced by, and take steps accordingly. 

                  -Jerry Bridges

Did you feel a twinge of conviction after reading that?!  I sure did.  It really forced me to examine what I think upon the majority of the time.   Am I thinking upon the Truths of scripture or are my thoughts selfish, worldly, or even just "empty"?!  It's really good to examine our own hearts and thoughts.  We need to meditate on Scripture as Christians and let that be what our minds drift to because when we train ourselves to think rightly and upon Truth, we then will be equipped to fight those "mental battles" and focus on what is good, right, and pure verses giving way to what is wrong and unhealthy in our thinking.   

So, I challenge you today, dear friends, to meditate on Scripture, memorize certain passages of God's Word, and choose the mental direction that would honor and please our Savior!  

Have a good start to your week! 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Making all Things New!

"Jesus is in the rehab business.  When He takes a broken thing into His hands, it begins to work again...
Obviously, this does not mean instant, complete change right now, in the twinkling of an eye.  It's a lifelong process--until the day when we see Jesus.  Then He will wrap it all up in a twinkling (1 John 3:1-3; Rev. 20-21). 
It's less obvious that we don't become as good as new.  We don't go back to just the way things were before.  Instead, we are qualitatively (describing the quality of something in size, appearance, value, etc.) changed in this process of repair.  We are not 'restored', brought back to a previous condition, but we are 'redeemed', turned into something new, something better and different than we ever were." 

~David Powlison~ 

  This was in a book I read this morning and it was so convicting and just insightful to read!  When you think about it dear friends, for those of us who are in Christ, we are continually in the process of being made new.  

   When we become a child of God, we give up our old ways and are committing now to a knew way of life.  

   I like to think of it in the way of clothes!  I love shopping and buying new things, especially a new shirt or dress.  

   How would it be if I was wearing an old, dirty shirt.  It smelled, and was in desperate need of a wash.  What if I had a dear friend who wanted to give me a new, fresh, clean shirt?!  And to add to was for FREE!  Think of that, a brand new shirt to replace my old, smelly, dirty one, and it was given to me of no charge!  I would be a fool not to take it!  

   That is how it is with our Savior, Christ!  He is cleansing us from our sin and giving us a new life!  It means that we rid ourselves of our old way of things and choose to walk in newness of life, in the way that is righteous and everlasting!  

   Now, in order for Christ to change us, we must be rid of our old "clothes".  It would not make sense for me to accept the free gift of God and yet not "put on" the gift of salvation.  NO! 

    It's like me being so excited about getting a new, clean, shirt, but I just stuff it into my drawer and don't actually put it on.  I am still wearing my disgusting, old shirt.  What a fool I would be! 

   We must first "take off" our old shirt and "put on" our brand new one!  That is what salvation is all about.  

   We are made new!!!   What a beautiful picture!  We no longer have to wear that yucky, old piece of clothing, but instead we can wear our new article of clothing that is beautiful, fresh, and clean! 

   As Christians, we are being made new and whole in Christ!  We must live each day learning more about our gracious Savior and live transformed lives, by the grace and power of Christ! 

   Take that brand new shirt, put it on, and proudly wear it!! :) 

Have a blessed day! 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Great Encouragement for the Day

The mornings can always be a bit difficult...especially when you are sleep deprived.  I read this verse and it gave me the strength I needed to face the day.

Psalm 37:1-6

1 Do not fret because of those who are evil
   or be envious of those who do wrong;
2 for like the grass they will soon wither,
   like green plants they will soon die away.
 3 Trust in the LORD and do good;
   dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Take delight in the LORD,
   and he will give you the desires of your heart.
 5 Commit your way to the LORD;
   trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
   your vindication like the noonday sun. 

Despite the difficulties we encounter, the lack of sleep that often muddles our thinking, and the mind battles that we constantly are fighting...let us remember who is our Lord and Savior and know that He has given us the power to endure!  We need to trust in Him, commit our ways to Him, and depend fully on Him.  Keep running hard friends! 
Have a blessed day! 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Believing the Promises of God

It's a cold, rainy (surprise! haha) afternoon here in Oregon.  If you would, take a moment to sit down, maybe pour a hot cup of coffee (my personal favorite) or make a nice cup of tea, and meditate on the following verses.

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  John 10:10 
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” (Eph. 3:20-21) 

What powerful verses, huh?!

I love what Leslie Ludy writes: 

A longtime missionary once said, “We sell people a bill of goods when we tell them that Jesus is the answer to all their problems. The reality is that they are going to have lots of struggles, even after they come to Christ, so we shouldn’t paint Christianity to be some amazing experience.” 
Some churches have adopted popular secular songs from artists like Creed and U2, songs like U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” Our bookstores are loaded with books like Disappointment with God, When God Doesn’t Make Sense, and Deserted by God?. And modern Christian leaders spend an inordinate amount of time trying to help us “cope” with the disappointment, disillusionment, and depression that seem to go hand in glove with following Christ these days. 
But if all we have to look forward to in Christianity is disillusionment and disappointment, why would we even want to follow Christ? 
In John 10:10 Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.The word abundantly means beyond measure, over and above all that we could ask or think. Not day to day surviving, but day to day thriving. As Paul says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” (Eph. 3:20-21) 

It's good to think about, friends. Have a good rest of your Tuesday!

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Great Compassion

I have seen so many people close to me suffer and hurt.  It breaks my heart, but it is amazing to see the great and mighty power of the Lord during the very difficult and painful circumstances.  He gives such peace, grace, and strength to the weak, and He is not absent.  May we ever look continually unto the Lord for nourishment, comfort, and peace!  He will give bountifully to those who ask!!!

"With compassion for the hurting
You reached out your hand
As the lame ran to meet you
And the dead breathed again
You saw behind the eyes of sorrow
And shared in our tears
Heard the sigh of the weary
Let the children draw near
What boundless love
What fathomless grace
You have shown us
O God of compassion
Each day we live
An offering of grace
As we show to the world
Your compassion."
~ Excerpt from a song by Stuart Townend~ 

As the Bible so emphatically and repeatedly states, we are to depend upon the Lord continually, and endure trials (of all sizes), knowing that we will be provided for and given the grace and strength that we need to get through.  

It may not be easy at all to tell ourselves the truth, but friends, we need too!  Life is hard and there are so many difficulties and challenges, but the Lord has promised comfort and care.  We need to therefore depend upon the great God of love, compassion, and mercy! 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Narrow Gate

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." 
~Matthew 7:13,14~ 

This morning was an "out of the norm" Sunday morning.  I woke up and there was snow on the ground!!!  I felt like a little kid again, I was so excited.  Here in Oregon, we only get threats of snow, and when it actually happens, it is a real treat.  Also, when it does snow in Oregon, everything closes down...seriously.  So, church this morning was canceled since the building sits on a steep hill, and the roads could be pretty slick.  Out of precaution, there were no services held.   Instead of sitting in a pew and listening to a sermon, dad, mom, and I decided to listen to one of John MacArthur's (Pastor of Grace Church in CA) sermons online. 

So, we bundled up on the couch, with steaming hot coffee in hand, Bibles in our laps, and listened to a great sermon on Matthew 7:13-14.  

What a convicting passage this is.  

There are 2 doors, as Matthew writes in this chapter.  There are 2 ways and 2 destinations.  One is marked, "Heaven", and there is one door that goes there and one that does not.  There are 2 possibilities and 2 choices.   Yet, only one is the right way.  

There is worship that is true and one that is false.  There is one religion that is true (the one that teaches Christ), and all else are false. 

An interesting point that Pastor McArthur pointed out when looking at this passage is that, "It is not enough to just study the narrow gate.  It is not enough to admire it's wisdom, to listen to sermons about the narrow gate.  It is not enough to look upon Jesus as a great teacher and good man.  It is not enough to talk about the narrow gate...we must ENTER into it!!  

"Enter by the narrow gate..." (Matthew 7:23) 

Many may discuss it, admire it, study it, and even respect it, but few they are who enter it!  

This was very interesting to think about.  

This gate serves two purposes, to let in and shut out.  

Those who do not enter by the narrow gate, are shut out.  

Friends, have you entered by the narrow gate?!  Or are you walking into the wide and broad passage way?!  

One leads to eternal paradise with the King and one leads to everlasting damnation.   

It is important that you only enter into this NARROW gate.  

Think upon this truth friends!  

I love what Acts 4:12 and 1 Timothy 2:5 teach:

"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12

"For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus." 

Seek Christ and His Kingdom which can only be found by entering into the narrow gate.  

Don't just look and gaze at the narrow gate....enter it!! 

Have a blessed Sunday! 

~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life's True Purpose

Challenging and encouraging words I read by Leslie Ludy (author and speaker): 

"It is easy to come up with formulas for following God, complex belief systems that help us clarify why He put us on this earth.  We read books, attend seminars, take personality tests, and try to define our deepest desires – all part of a crusade to figure out the meaning of our existence. But the answer to finding our life’s purpose is far simpler than we imagine.  In fact, it is so simple that most of us miss it completely in our desperate search for direction.

In John 15, Jesus gave His disciples what may be the most profound and beautiful command in the entire Bible.  He cleared life of all its complexities and confusion in one simple phrase.  He summed up the essence, the grandeur, the mystery, and the marvel of life in but a few life-altering words.  He said to them, “Abide in Me.”

What did He mean when He said, “Abide in Me”?  

He meant, “Find the meaning of life in Me.  Find your value and confidence in Me. Find your purpose and direction in Me. Find the source for all spiritual achievement in Me.  Find the strength to live each moment in Me.  Find the wisdom to navigate the many turns of life in Me. Find forgiveness from all your sins in Me.  Find the satisfaction of boundless joy in Me.  Find the most glorious peace in Me.  Find the most perfect love and acceptance in Me.  Find the most satisfying life for all eternity in Me.”  

To abide in Christ means to allow His life to possess us at all times and in every situation life brings.  To abide means saying to God with the inhaling of every breath, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” To abide means sharing in a holy communion with our precious Heavenly Lover, listening to His gentle whisper at every turn of life’s drama.  

God created us to abide in Him.  It’s that basic.  Abiding in Him is our life’s purpose.  Abiding in Him is what we were created for.  Abiding in Him is the reason we are here.  

We are here on this earth to intimately know and enjoy our God.  We are here on this earth to let our lives be used, owned, and operated by His almighty grace.  We are here to allow His life to evidence itself through our being.  And all these things rolled into one say – we are here on this earth to abide in Christ."

Amen! May I abide in Christ more and more! 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain.

I sang this hymn today in church.  The words are so powerful, it brought tears to my eyes.  I need to "sing" this song to myself whenever I doubt the work of the Lord and His sovereignty. 

Have a blessed Sunday! 

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Knowing You

All I once held dear built my life upon 
All this world reveres, and wars to own
All I once thought gain I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now compared to this

Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You 
There is no greater thing 
You're my all, You're my rest
You're my joy, my righteousness
And I love You Lord

Now my heart's desire is to know You more
To be Found in You, ad know as Yours 
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All surpassing gift of righteousness

Oh to know the power of Your risen life
And to know You in Your sufferings
To become like You in Your death, my Lord
So with You to live and never die 

(Lyrics to a song I recently heard) 

   There is no time wasted when it is spent learning more about Jesus Christ.  There is nothing more important than growing in the knowledge of our Savior.  There is no greater joy than in having a relationship with the Lord.  There is no greater peace and comfort given than in trusting Christ as our Savior and hoping in Him alone as our Redeemer.   Truly, knowing Him is the greatest and most important thing in this life. 

  ~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Savior, My God

I want to ring in the new year by focusing on the truth.  

The lyrics to this song are so wonderful and powerful!

Please, take a minute to listen. 

Happy New Year! 

Here we come 2012!!

~Grow in Grace~ 
2 Peter 3:18