"He is the most Holy of all kings, His throne is a great white throne--unspotted and clear as crystal. 'The stars are not pure in His sight. How much less man, that is a worm?' (Job 25:5-6). With what lowliness should you draw near to Him. Familiarity there may be, but let it not be unhallowed. Boldness there should be, but let it not be impertinent . You are still on earth, and He in heaven. Yo are still a worm of the dust, and He Everlasting. before the mountains were brought forth, He was God, and if all created things should pass away, yet He would still be the same. I am afraid we do not bow as we should before the Eternal Majesty. Let us ask the Spirit of God to put us in a right frame, that every one of our prayers may be a reverential approach to the Infinite Majesty above."
~Charles Spurgeon~
Amen! So true.