At a loss. No meaning. No value. No purpose. Void. Vacant. Gap. Empty Space.
To be at a loss in life, to have no meaning in life, to have no value in life, to have no purpose in life, to have a vacant, empty space in one's heart, is a recipe for a life of complete misery, depression, and even downright insanity.
I recently watched a movie in which a strong, successful sergeant in the military, was critically injured in the Vietnam War. The effects of his injury left him unable to walk. This powerful man, who lived life as if he could accomplish anything and nothing could withhold him, was now humbled to the point where he would have to be confined to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life. After this tragic turn of events, this man's life spiraled downward. Trying to cope with the loss of his rank, his dignity, and his prestige, he became an alcoholic and spent his days squandering his money, living his life as if he had no value, no purpose, no meaning, and no hope. It was truly sad to see how this man went from such an honorable person in the worlds eyes to one who had no "life" left in him.
Yes, this may have been just a movie, and even about a fictional character, but sadly, it is a replica of so many people today who may live life completely out on top, living for the moment, acting as if they "have it all", and then suddenly their world comes crashing down and now what do they have to live for?! Or, it could be someone living their days striving to achieve success, popularity, meaning, and they constantly look to "the next thing" to fulfill them, but instead of that awareness of value, purpose, and meaning, they are left with the dreaded sense of being unfulfilled, no matter what they may do to fill that void and space in their NEVER reaches the brim.
This morning, I read in the Psalms a very powerful and direct verse:
"Hell and Destruction are never full; So the eyes of man
are never satisfied."
~Psalm 27:20~
Meaning that, "man's desires are never filled up. They are as insatiable (impossible to satisfy) as the place of eternal punishment which never overfills." (commentary by J. MacArthur)
Those are truly strong words. Yet, they are very true.
All we have to do is look at examples in today's world. Why is it that we see celebrities, who appear as if they have it all and who seem like they should be the happiest people on the face of the earth; yet, they are the ones who often have the most difficulties. They are unfulfilled, unhappy, so they seek and seek to fill that void that is nagging inside of them.
I am not wanting this post to leave you all with a sense of sadness and depression, but I wanted to expose to you the emptiness of this life....WITHOUT Christ.
There is hope. We are not destined to keep "grasping at the wind" nor wander around in this life as one who has no hope of ever being fulfilled or satisfied.
What is this hope? It is only found through Jesus Christ, Lord of all!
The Lord has graciously opened my eyes to the truths contained in His will (the very Word of God), of which I am so thankful for. He is continuing to show me the frailty of life, how it cannot fulfill man's deepest longings and needs no matter what the promises are of fulfillment. I have seen so many people struggle and sink down into deep depression because of this very issue of being unfulfilled.
There is no way out through the worlds way. There is no therapy session that can cure the most troubled souls. There is no "step by step" plan that can get one on the road back to "health, wealth, and success". Even if some of the worlds ways of solving the problem may work for a time, it still leaves one grasping at one thing after the other still trying to fill that emptiness inside.
There is only one way we can find true fulfillment in this world, and that is only through the narrow gate that leads to everlasting life. It may not be a gate through which many go through for it may not seem appealing to most, but it is only by going through this door in which one will find what they have been seeking.
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
~Matthew 7:13-14~
Until you pass through this narrow gate, you will not be able to find the peace, joy, and fulfillment you seek. Come to Christ and He will "fill you up". He is the only Way, the Truth, and the Life!
Really think on these truths, friends. Are you finding your fulfillment in the world or in Christ?
It is good to examine our hearts now. Do not waste another moment of your life with that which cannot satisfy. The time is now. Take it.
God bless!
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