"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
I love what Pastor John MacArthur says about worrying.
"When you worry, you are choosing to be mastered by your circumstances instead of by the truth of God. The vicissitudes and trials of life pale in comparison to the greatness of salvation. Jesus wants you to realize it doesn't make sense to believe God can save you from eternal hell, but not help you in the practical matters of life. The Apostle Paul reflects a similar desire in Ephesians 1:18-19: "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe." When you catch yourself worrying, go back to Scripture and let God open your eyes again."
Worry. This word in a sense represents a distrust we have in God. Christ even said in His sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 6, that if He watches out for the birds of the air and provides for them, will He not also watch out for us who are SO much more important than the birds!! What a God we have dear friends! We need to stop every time we are allowing fear, anxiety, or worry into our minds and go back to this Truth. I have seen what fear and worry can do to people, and it eats them up and destroys them.
Worrying will not do any good. "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" (Matthew 6:27).
Also, John MacArthur adds:
"Someone might say, "Why make a big deal out of worry? It's just a trivial sin." No, it is not. I suspect a majority of mental illnesses and some physical illnesses are directly related to worry. Many cases of drunkenness and drug addiction are symptomatic of worry. And because of worry, many make foolish life decisions, incurring painful consequences. Worry is devastating. But more important than what worry does to you is what you are communicating about God. When you worry you are saying in effect, "God, I just don't think I can trust You." Worry strikes a blow at the person and character of God.
So, dear friends, are you a worrywart or are you trusting in almighty God and depending upon Him in EVERY area of your life?
It is a challenge I face everyday, but we, as Christians, are more than conquerors in Christ.
Thank you. I needed that. :)
ReplyDeleteAmen, friend!
ReplyDeleteMy Mama is always reminding me about this :)
BTW, your iPod is working automatically now ;)