Compare- "Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between".
When I think of the word "compare", I often do not associate it with good things. I connect this word to feelings of unthankfulness, dissatisfaction, and discontentment. This is the case because I frequently compare myself with others and as a result, I am left with a sense of ingratitude concerning whatever it was on which I was focusing. I tend to dwell on the dissimilarities between myself and others. I tend to "look over the fence at the Jones' house", so to speak, and I glimpse over to see what they are doing. This is simply not right, and it is something I need to work on!
The only person I am to compare myself to is CHRIST! He is the only One I should look at and check myself to see where I am dissimilar to Him.
It is extremely easy to compare our lives to others and to be envious and think that, "I should have that" or "why do they have that and not me?" These thoughts can lead us down a very dark road to discontentment and even to sin. In Exodus 20:17 it discusses the very issue of coveting what others have. It says "Do not covet..." It is very dangerous to want what others possess because it can reach to the point where you are unthankful about what you have and jealous towards others.
Jealousy- "resentment; covetousness; bitterness; spite towards".
Envy- "a feeling of discontentment or a resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions."
In Proverbs 14:30 it portrays a very gruesome picture of how envy can destroy us from the inside. "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." I want to have a heart at peace!
Comparing ourselves to others and being jealous can come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. Whether you compare what you look like in appearance to another, what job they have and you don't, or what possessions they have in contrast to you, we are to be thankful and satisfied with what we have and to beware of jealousy!
In today's world, it is so easy to compare and to be discontent. All you have to do is simply turn on the T.V. and watch a commercial. "I don't have THAT car", "I want THAT T.V. or THAT house", or "I want THAT glamorous life of that celebrity." Do not get caught up in this way of thinking! (Saying this also to myself of course)
Oh how easy it is to "look over the fence" instead of being thankful for what God has given and to be satisfied with just that.
What does scripture say: Thessalonians 5:18- "...In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
Are you constantly looking over the fence and comparing yourself to the Jones'? \
Think on this as you start your week, friends. Have a good Monday!