"Jesus is in the rehab business. When He takes a broken thing into His hands, it begins to work again...
Obviously, this does not mean instant, complete change right now, in the twinkling of an eye. It's a lifelong process--until the day when we see Jesus. Then He will wrap it all up in a twinkling (1 John 3:1-3; Rev. 20-21).
It's less obvious that we don't become as good as new. We don't go back to just the way things were before. Instead, we are qualitatively (describing the quality of something in size, appearance, value, etc.) changed in this process of repair. We are not 'restored', brought back to a previous condition, but we are 'redeemed', turned into something new, something better and different than we ever were."
~David Powlison~
This was in a book I read this morning and it was so convicting and just insightful to read! When you think about it dear friends, for those of us who are in Christ, we are continually in the process of being made new.
When we become a child of God, we give up our old ways and are committing now to a knew way of life.
I like to think of it in the way of clothes! I love shopping and buying new things, especially a new shirt or dress.
How would it be if I was wearing an old, dirty shirt. It smelled, and was in desperate need of a wash. What if I had a dear friend who wanted to give me a new, fresh, clean shirt?! And to add to it...it was for FREE! Think of that, a brand new shirt to replace my old, smelly, dirty one, and it was given to me of no charge! I would be a fool not to take it!
That is how it is with our Savior, Christ! He is cleansing us from our sin and giving us a new life! It means that we rid ourselves of our old way of things and choose to walk in newness of life, in the way that is righteous and everlasting!
Now, in order for Christ to change us, we must be rid of our old "clothes". It would not make sense for me to accept the free gift of God and yet not "put on" the gift of salvation. NO!
It's like me being so excited about getting a new, clean, shirt, but I just stuff it into my drawer and don't actually put it on. I am still wearing my disgusting, old shirt. What a fool I would be!
We must first "take off" our old shirt and "put on" our brand new one! That is what salvation is all about.
We are made new!!! What a beautiful picture! We no longer have to wear that yucky, old piece of clothing, but instead we can wear our new article of clothing that is beautiful, fresh, and clean!
As Christians, we are being made new and whole in Christ! We must live each day learning more about our gracious Savior and live transformed lives, by the grace and power of Christ!
Take that brand new shirt, put it on, and proudly wear it!! :)
Have a blessed day!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18
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