It really got me thinking..."Do I really believe this?! Do I really understand and fully grasp that God hears our requests and that prayer is such a powerful thing? That we are ministering to others when we pray?!"
Do I really fully take into account the power of prayer?! I think often that I don't.
I tend to think more that in order to minister to others I must "do" something. Whether its with my time, my money, or even just in talking to others or listening. Of course, all of that is a great part of ministry, and I don't want to take the importance off of that, but I tend to discount the fact that prayer is also a form of ministry. It is, in fact, the greatest!
I don't always need to be "doing" something in order to minister to others. I simply must practice going before the Lord in prayer for others. That is such a great ministry!
Prayer is so glorious. We are going before the very throne room of our King, taking our requests and concerns, while He graciously listens and tenderly replies, "I care". (Psalm 55:22).
What an amazing God we serve!
Continue to practice prayer, dear friends. Our Heavenly Father is always there to lead, guide, and direct.
Prayer is such a great way for us to minister to others and it is something we must do!
Have a good Monday!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18
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