This is something I struggle with quite often..."Lord, of only this were to change, or this were to happen, then I believe I can truly rejoice and be happy."
Do you ever think that?! (and be honest with yourself) ;-)
In a book I have been reading, this topic came up and let me tell you, I was very convicted and felt like I was being lovingly rebuked and scolded by the author.
This is what I read:
"Human happiness is something that is dependent on the chances and changes of life, something which life may give and which life may also destroy. The Christian blessedness is completely untouchable and unassailable.
Jesus said this happiness is the joy that no man can take from you (John 16:22). It's an inner peace, an iner bliss, an inner happiness, an inner joy not produces by circumstance...
The world can win its joys, and the world can equally well lose its joys. A change in fortune, a collapse in health, the failure of a plan, the disappointment of an ambition, even a change in the weather can take away the fickle joy the world can give. But the Christian has the serene and untouchable joy which comes from walking forever in the company and in the presence of Jesus Christ."
(Excerpt taken from Kingdom Living Here and Now by J. MacArthur)
It is so easy to let our difficult circumstances take the better of us as we allow them to control our emotions and feelings...but as a follower of Christ, I need to continually be "renewing my mind" (Romans 12:2), thinking on what is good, right, and true, and to give thanks (1 Thess. 5:18) even during the difficult times of life, and to trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) for everything. When I practice these things, I will not easily give way to the roller coaster emotions of life, but instead, I will allow the truth to be my guide.
Wow. Sounds impossible to do at times, and it is so much easier said than done...*BIG sigh*
But that is why I need to practice taking one day at a time and most importantly, one moment at a time.
I need to rely upon the Lord continually and seek His strength and power.
So....tomorrow is Monday, and I will be honest that I am not eager to start another busy work week, but I need to focus on the Truth, that in the Lord there is fullness of joy...true happiness!
Have a blessed week, friends!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18
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