I run for exercise, and I have trained for events and understand that diligence, training, and commitment is important to improve and to be successful in the sport of running (as also in any sport). It is interesting to also view the Christian life in this sort of perspective as well. The apostle Paul writes, as recorded in the book of Philippians chapter 3 verse 12-15, "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on that, I may lay hold of that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
This is like a runner. The Christian has not reached the goal of Christ likeness, but like a runner in a race, the believer must continue to pursue it. It SHOULD BE the goal of EVERY true follower of Christ.
How do you expect to do well as an athlete if you don't work at it?! It takes diligence, sacrifice, effort, pain, sweat, and even giving ALL that you have. This is the exact same in the Christian life. You cannot just sit by and say to yourself, well I am saved so God is just going to do it all, and I am going to do nothing. That is not what scripture so emphatically says. I can give you several passages that emphasize the Truth that the Christian must PRESS on, and fight the good fight. 2 Corinthians 7:1, Ephesians 4:20-24, Col. 3, 1 Cor. 9:24-27, all teach and explain that the Christian life is one of diligence and effort.
I am not saying that salvation is by works, of course its NOT. Scripture numerous times contradicts that common theology. What I am saying is that we do not work FOR our salvation, we work OUT our salvation. We keep on continually making the effort to work it out. There is great personal effort.
I love how Pastor John MacArthur put it in his sermon entitled, "God at Work in You", teaching on the passage in Phil. 2:12, that the salvation that is in you is to be brought out to its fullness. We are to mine out of our lives what God has richly deposited there (salvation). We are to produce such precious nuggets of personal character from what God has so planted in us (our salvation).
This is something I am learning and will continue to learn more and more about for as long as I live!!!
Are you working OUT your faith in the race set before you!?
This is like a runner. The Christian has not reached the goal of Christ likeness, but like a runner in a race, the believer must continue to pursue it. It SHOULD BE the goal of EVERY true follower of Christ.
How do you expect to do well as an athlete if you don't work at it?! It takes diligence, sacrifice, effort, pain, sweat, and even giving ALL that you have. This is the exact same in the Christian life. You cannot just sit by and say to yourself, well I am saved so God is just going to do it all, and I am going to do nothing. That is not what scripture so emphatically says. I can give you several passages that emphasize the Truth that the Christian must PRESS on, and fight the good fight. 2 Corinthians 7:1, Ephesians 4:20-24, Col. 3, 1 Cor. 9:24-27, all teach and explain that the Christian life is one of diligence and effort.
I am not saying that salvation is by works, of course its NOT. Scripture numerous times contradicts that common theology. What I am saying is that we do not work FOR our salvation, we work OUT our salvation. We keep on continually making the effort to work it out. There is great personal effort.
I love how Pastor John MacArthur put it in his sermon entitled, "God at Work in You", teaching on the passage in Phil. 2:12, that the salvation that is in you is to be brought out to its fullness. We are to mine out of our lives what God has richly deposited there (salvation). We are to produce such precious nuggets of personal character from what God has so planted in us (our salvation).
This is something I am learning and will continue to learn more and more about for as long as I live!!!
Are you working OUT your faith in the race set before you!?