Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

I want to share with you another quote by one of my favorite authors, Leslie Ludy, that really touches on something I have been thinking about a lot lately.  Please read:

"In American Christianity, which is somewhat sad to say, the focus 
is so much on ME, ME, ME!  What do I need, what do I want, what are my desires,
what are my dreams, and what am I feeling, yet we do not fully understand that 
the true gospel is a poured out life, a sacrificial life.  I am a living sacrifice 
unto the Lord for Him to come and work through me and 
use me to change this world around me.  Yes, our heart is valuable to Christ, He 
loves us, His children, and He wants to heal and transform us, but that is only the beginning.
After that, it's a life of sacrifice for our life is not our own. We have 
been bought with a price." 

~Leslie Ludy 

The life of a true follower of Jesus Christ is not one focused on self.  It is one centered around Christ.  Are we daily seeking to lift up our lives to His care and to take up our cross daily and follow after Him? Or would we rather follow what we want to do and live a life that does not portray our King to the max?  Yes, He gives us desires and hopes which He most certainly can use for our good and His glory, but do we constantly seek Him in everything and desire to follow after Him...even if it means giving up what we want if that may be the case?!  

I have had to ask myself this question many times.  It is not one that is easy to answer.  It goes against everything that society says and even what modern day Christianity teaches. Yet, it is what is true. Go read your Bible and see for yourself!

Are you willing to take up your cross daily and follow after Christ?  Really think about that.

1 comment:

  1. Mm! May we seek to lay down our lives for our Savior...and be poured out for His glory! All praise to Him that He will continually fill us up! Oh! He is wonderful!

