Have you ever really thought about what eternity is? The dictionary defines this word as, "infinite or unending time; timelessness." We really do not have any association with this word because it does not apply to us. Since we live in a world that is subject to "time", we really cannot grasp what this means. Even when I try to think about it, my head hurts. We have no concept of what eternity really is.
When I think of this word, I mainly focus on one thing...my life after death. As a follower of Christ, I know that my eternity is secure in Him, and that it will be spent with Him in Heaven. He
alone is THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life (John 14:6). It is not by what I have done, for I cannot work my way into paradise for I am unholy and unrighteous before a
holy God. It is ALL by His grace and mercy that I am saved, and He has redeemed me from eternal destruction. I am thankful for this because I can rejoice in the FACT, that I will spend my eternity with Him. ..."And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." (John 17:3).
It is also very sad to think about what eternal life would be like
without God. To be in a place where God does not exist, where there is utter destruction, and where there are all kinds of evil. I cannot even begin to imagine what this place, Hell, is like.
Of course, the biggest event in the news at present is the death of the terrorist leader, Osama bin Laden. Yes, I am relieved, in a sense, that this awful man has been "caught" and can no longer perform his many acts of murder and terror; yet, it is a very somber time. Just think, this man spent the majority of his life following after a "god" that did not exist. He sacrificed his life for a faith that would bring about destruction instead of the happiness and luxury promised. This man was lost, blind, and dead spiritually. He was a murder of many and for his actions here on earth he will give an account before his Maker and Judge, to the one true God...not Allah. I am thankful that I serve a just Judge, and He will judge righteously and accordingly.
However, it is sad to see that bin Laden died without knowing the one true God. I do not wish upon anyone for them to be separated for all eternity without Christ, for that is such a scary and awful thing to even comprehend. Dear friends, really take time to think about this.
What is eternity and in what (or whom) are you placing your hope?!
I pray that you are placing your hope in the only One who can save from complete destruction, Jesus Christ! Eternity is a long time...it is FOREVER!
Thank you for reading!