I have heard people ask, when they see all the corruption and evil going on around them, "How can people do such horrible things and how on earth did they get to that point?"
Well, I believe that the answers to those questions are quite basic and simple. First, scripture says in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things and is desperately sick, who can know it," & in Matthew 15:9, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander". Man enters into this world with an evil heart and unless the Lord changes that heart of stone to one that is Christlike, he is capable of any kind of evil!
Secondly, "how do people get to that point", in reference to those who are entertaining sin in their own life. Well, I can tell you one thing, it definitely did not happen over night.
For example, how did that man in Kaycee Dugard's case ever become so perverted and wicked? How could anyone kidnap a young girl, invoke such havoc upon her life, and enslave her to a life of misery for 18 years? First of all, this man is trapped in his own sin and needs a Savior, but secondly, this man kept saying "yes" to sin one step at a time. This man did not suddenly wake up one morning and say, "I think I am going to kidnap some girl and enslave her to a miserable life of abuse and pain," but he did wake up each morning and decided to give in to a pattern of sin, which took time and was accomplished one small step at a time.
We often do not realize that it is the "little steps" we take towards sin that in the end can lead us into something much greater. When we choose to compromise in the seemingly insignificant areas of life or make exceptions, we are really planting a hole for the seed of sin, which then will take root, and will eventually grow bigger and bigger!
Friends, NOW is the time to stand your ground and to say "no" to those things which could lead you down a path on which you do not want to tread. Do not dig that hole in which the seed will be planted and then take root!
Yes, it may just be one movie that is immoral, or one song that glorifies profanity, or one internet site you happen to stumble upon, or one alcoholic drink...but it is also one STEP! Instead of entertaining your eyes with immorality in a movie, or listening to a song that repeats 4 letter words throughout, or choosing to stay and gaze at that internet site that is not good and pure for the eyes, or allowing your body to be intoxicated, we are to RUN and FLEE before sin even has a chance to grow!! Yes, even if it may only be 1 seemingly insignificant issue...it is a step which can be very dangerous!
Hebrews 10:26 states, "For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins."
Colossians 3:5 declares, "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."
Do not keep taking those seemingly insignificant, little steps, say "NO" at the beginning. Refusing to take that first step is very hard, but it is the most important move. After having set a pattern of saying "no" and refusing to compromise, it will become apart of you and in a way easier to practice!
I, of course, have in no way mastered this practice of saying "no", but I am thankful that my merciful Savior is helping me, showing me, and teaching me to deny sin and to walk after Him. It is my prayer that I will not say "yes" to those areas in life that would lead me down a path of continual sin. I hope that is your prayer too dear friends!
Have a Christ-centered Monday!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18
Enjoyed your post! Very good reminders. And so true! Keep up the good writing, Breana!
ReplyDelete~ Bethany