"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
~Matthew 7:13,14~
This morning was an "out of the norm" Sunday morning. I woke up and there was snow on the ground!!! I felt like a little kid again, I was so excited. Here in Oregon, we only get threats of snow, and when it actually happens, it is a real treat. Also, when it does snow in Oregon, everything closes down...seriously. So, church this morning was canceled since the building sits on a steep hill, and the roads could be pretty slick. Out of precaution, there were no services held. Instead of sitting in a pew and listening to a sermon, dad, mom, and I decided to listen to one of John MacArthur's (Pastor of Grace Church in CA) sermons online.
So, we bundled up on the couch, with steaming hot coffee in hand, Bibles in our laps, and listened to a great sermon on Matthew 7:13-14.
What a convicting passage this is.
There are 2 doors, as Matthew writes in this chapter. There are 2 ways and 2 destinations. One is marked, "Heaven", and there is one door that goes there and one that does not. There are 2 possibilities and 2 choices. Yet, only one is the right way.
There is worship that is true and one that is false. There is one religion that is true (the one that teaches Christ), and all else are false.
An interesting point that Pastor McArthur pointed out when looking at this passage is that, "It is not enough to just study the narrow gate. It is not enough to admire it's wisdom, to listen to sermons about the narrow gate. It is not enough to look upon Jesus as a great teacher and good man. It is not enough to talk about the narrow gate...we must ENTER into it!!
"Enter by the narrow gate..." (Matthew 7:23)
Many may discuss it, admire it, study it, and even respect it, but few they are who enter it!
This was very interesting to think about.
This gate serves two purposes, to let in and shut out.
Those who do not enter by the narrow gate, are shut out.
Friends, have you entered by the narrow gate?! Or are you walking into the wide and broad passage way?!
One leads to eternal paradise with the King and one leads to everlasting damnation.
It is important that you only enter into this NARROW gate.
Think upon this truth friends!
I love what Acts 4:12 and 1 Timothy 2:5 teach:
"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12
"For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus."
Seek Christ and His Kingdom which can only be found by entering into the narrow gate.
Don't just look and gaze at the narrow gate....enter it!!
Have a blessed Sunday!
~Grow in Grace~
2 Peter 3:18