Is there anything that may be too hard for the Lord?! Can He really conquer the impossible?!
Do these thoughts ever go through your head? Have you even let yourself believe in them...especially during the darkest and most difficult days of your life?
I can be honest and say that I have thought them. Even by the way I act and as evidenced by my attitude, I can say that I have even believed them on occasion.
Let me tell you right now that those thoughts are lies and the enemy wants you to doubt the power and might of the Lord.
Instead of letting those rotten falsehoods eat away at us, causing us to become embittered towards God, we need to counter those lies with the truth.
What is the truth? What am I supposed to tell myself in those moments when I doubt who God is and what He can do?
In Jeremiah 32:27, the Lord even declares to the prophet Jeremiah, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?" By the Lord asking this question, He affirms His power and might, and that He CAN do the impossible and that NOTHING is too difficult for Him. He is the God of all.
There are so many examples throughout the old and new testament that show how God conquered the impossible. He gave Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age. He parted the Red Sea that His people may escape the Egyptians. He provided food from the heavens in order to feed Israel. He made water flow from a rock in the desert. He gave David, a small and seemingly insignificant boy, the strength to beat the undefeated giant, Goliath, who no Israelite soldier could stand against and win. He gave Israel the victory over and over again when they were up against armies twice their size and strength. He destroyed Jericho. These are just a few of the many, many examples of the strength and might of our God. Can you think of more examples from scripture?!
The greatest example however can be found in Luke 1:26-35. God, Himself, came to earth as a man, and was born of a virgin, Mary. He bore our sins, taking the punishment and wrath of God on our behalf. Yet, He also conquered death in His resurrection, showing that He indeed is God. All of this is impossible....but with God, it was possible.
So, next time you are doubtful of God's power and might, remember that time and time again, He has showed that nothing is too hard for Him! (*I am speaking to myself as well!!*)
God does not change. His character does not alter. He still works in the lives of His children the same way as we have seen in the old testament and in the new. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Trust in His promises and in His Word.
This is why we have the Bible, so that we can know who God is and how He works!
Pray that He will give you the strength to believe in His Truths. It is not easy to hold to the truth, that is why we need to continually be renewing our minds, everyday, with His word.
Grow in grace dear friends! Have a great rest of your worship Sunday!
~2 Peter 3:18~